Chapter 5: The Mistake

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Night City, May 19, 2074

    Michael's eyes slowly opened as he woke up. It was now morning, and he had fallen asleep on the couch. His arm was still around Rebecca, who was huddled up next to him, still sound asleep. Michael did not move from where he was sitting, so as to not wake her. He felt.... Content. This was the best he had slept in a long time. He continued to sit still, and simply enjoyed the moment.

Not too long later, Michael got a call from Maine. The sudden noise of the call ringing made him jump, and Rebecca snapped awake. Michael picked up the call as Rebecca sat up. "What's up, Maine?" Michael asked, sounding unusually peppy. "Just checking up on you," Maine replied. "Sounds like you're doing fine. How is Rebecca?"

"Michael looked down at her, still sitting next to him and smiling at him endearingly. "I think she's feeling a little better." Michael said with a smirk.

"If you're feeling up to it, I need someone to deliver some goods to a choom of mine," Maine proposed. "Busy today, so I don't have time to get it to him on my own. But if you need more rest, I understand."

"I'll stop by in a few," Michael responded. "Ok, see you then," Maine said as he hung up the call. Michael looked back at Rebecca. "Maine says he's got an errand he wants me to run for him," Michael explained. "Think you'll be alright by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'd like to see those fuckers try to get the jump on me a second time," Rebecca replied, as she smiled and pointed her thumb at a shotgun on the table. "Plus, my brother just texted me saying he's on his way home, so you shouldn't have to feel paranoid."

Michael gave her a thumbs up, stood up, and grabbed his helmet off of the table. "Here, don't forget your jacket," Rebecca said, as she took it off and handed it to him. "Thanks for letting me borrow it."

"You can keep it," Michael replied, as he stretched his arms after getting up. "Consider it an apology for what I did to your old one."

Rebecca closed her eyes and smiled as she put the jacket back on. "I'm fine with that," she said, as she zipped the jacket back up. "I think it's comfy."

She stood on the tip of her toes and pecked Michael on the cheek. Michael leaned down and touched his forehead to hers. "If you need me, call me." He gently said, as he leaned back up, slid his helmet on, and turned to walk out the door. "....Michael?" Rebecca asked, as he grabbed the door handle. "What's up?" Michael asked in response. Rebecca's face turned a pink, and she let in a deep breath. "I don't think I knew what the feeling was at first...." She explained. "But ever since we talked, back after your first Gig with the crew, I felt something I couldn't really explain. After that night, I've always felt.... comfortable, around you. I didn't know why, but as time went on, that feeling kept growing. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out what it was. But after you rescued me from those Scavs, and took the time out of your day to stay with me, I think I know what that feeling is...."

Michael's hand remained on the door handle as Rebecca stepped forward, and grabbed his free hand. "Michael...." Rebecca nervously muttered. "I.... I love you." Michael silently looked down at her, feeling completely speechless. He felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. It was a good feeling, though. He felt something he hadn't felt in years. He felt like he had.... Purpose. Like he had something to live for. Michael took his hand off of the door handle, and placed it on Rebecca's cheek. "Rebecca...." He muttered, somewhat hesitantly.  "I.... love you too."

Rebecca reached forward and pulled Michael into a tight hug. Michael wrapped his arms around her and returned the embrace. After a moment, they let go of one another, and looked each other in the eyes. "See you?" Michael asked. "See you." Rebecca replied. Michael lifted his helmet up, so his mouth would peek out, and he leaned down and kissed her forehead. He slid the helmet back on as he turned around, and walked out the door.

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