Anna p.o.v.

It's a Monday and when we pull into the parking lot of the school all eyes are on us. The Impala had needed a good wash and when we had done it yesterday. But as we were doing that guess who showed up.... yep. That's right Jacob. He had used the excesses of visiting Bella. But as soon as he had seen Sarah. He comes over to us. Head held high and shirt off. I don't even pay attention to it. I find it odd that a 16-year-old is running around without a shirt all the time. Don't get me wrong, I understand his body temp runs high, but I don't know, a wife bitter would do the job. But I'm going off-topic. Jacob was there for maybe 2 hours and somehow Bella and Edward had joined us and Jacob didn't try to rip Eddy boy a new hole. Which saddens me, I wanted to see a cat fight... So to say, I don't want to see real cats fight. But Edward and Jacob's fight to the death would be fun. Which is funny because I was so team Jacob when I was younger. Then as I grew up into an adult, I saw they were both just as bad. No, now I'm Team Volituri. Mayer made them the bad guys when they were making sure no Edward and Bella intestines were happening. And I see Aro's point of view on the Nessie thing. I mean, it was something they had never seen before. What to say, she didn't at some point just go on a killing spray.

But that's a thought for another day.

Sarah and I are standing at the Impala talking about a project that is due in a week.

"So, what are you going to do for the project in Mr. Walters's class?"

Mr. Walters is a pretty good teacher for the most part. He takes into consideration my and Sarah's learning difficulties and works to help us. Unlike most of the other teachers. I would say he has frish out of college. So you know he still has hope for the Butcher youth. Wonder how long that will last.

"I'm thinking of doing a report on vampires. 'Vampires, are that among us?'" Sarah laughs at that.

"You're just doing that because the Cullens are in that class." yeah, she was right. The Cullen's aren't here. It's supposed to be nice today.

"Maybe?" I say with a wicked smile.

"What about you?" I ask as I see Bella pulled in with a look of happiness.

"I'm thinking. Maybe..." She can't finish that sense. Bella walks up to us And says.

"It was so nice spending time with you two and Jake yesterday, Edward said he had fun too." OH, HELL NO! I'm stuck with Jacob, but Fuckward and this overgrown baby, that can't even see how much of an ass her boy toy is. I refuse.

"It was as fun as watching grown ass adults play go fish." It was not fun the intro time Jacob was hitting on Sarah, and he didn't take the hint. She doesn't want him like that. For something that is supposed to be the imprinted decision, Jacob is trying to keep to make her wont to date him, F.Y.I. the more you try to make her do something, the less likely she is to do it.

"Bella. Tell us, do you and Jacob have something going on." The question was just a spore of the moment question, not that we care, it was more of knowledge is power. And I won't the power to destroy Bella and Edward at a drop of a dime.

Bella blush.

'OH! Shit, this just got juice.' The thought brings a smile to my face as Sarah, Bella, and I walk into Spanish class. I would've much rather been taking A.S.L(American sign language).

"Oh, come on Bella, spill some tea, It has to be sweeter than what Jasica thanks is juicy." I mean really, do I look like I care Eric is failing math and his Asian. Like really, that was the most racist thing ever. Anyone can fail math, I bet I'm already failing.

"Promos you won't tell." Sarah and I shore a look. Could Bella and Jacob have been having a fling and no one know.

"We had been going out for like 4 months, Edward had moved away and he Brock up with me, I was so hart Brock I couldn't eat or sleep, then Jake came to me like a grading an angle. Hand helped me throw it. We were about to tell everyone but then Alice showed up, you met Alice, right?" We don't even get to say yes as she started to talk again.

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