"I don't think the GPS is giving the right directions," Sara says on this rainy Saturday in Mom's car. she is letting us use it today to go look at the truck Billy is selling.

"It's a GPS, of course, it's wrong, has a GPS ever got you to the right places," I say looking for something I may recognize. Nothing. That's when something really fast ran in front of the car.

I stomp on the bracks as fast as I can and em jerked forward just in time to have a big-ass wolf stop in front of us. it's a rusty color so I know it's Jacob from years of reading bad fanfic's (just like u are right now lol) "dame shapeshifter." then roll down my window.

waving my hand at him and I yell. "move it along big guy. I bet we all have better things to do than just sit here."

Jacob takes off running again. and I start to drive.

20 minutes later (and Sara yelling about a giant wolf in the middle of the road.)

"I'm telling you that GPS is broken," I say as Sara and I get out of the car.

"and I'm telling you, you put the wrong address in."Sara breaks back as we walk up the wheelchair ramp to the red house.

Owe bickering is stopped by the door opening and a very tall Jacob opening the door.

at seeing me he frizzes. as he realizes I'm the person from earlier.

then he comes too. "you the ones Charlie called about."

"yep. we are the new rulers of your car if you let us buy it." I say.

Jacob nods and turns around to yell. "Dad the girls that Charlie called about are here I'm going to show them the car." and then Billy's voice is heard. "Ok, tell the girl to watch their steps it's muddy." "Got it."

Sara laughs "That's ok we heard him." Jake laughs too. "good."

as we walk to the grog I see Jacob watching the woods. which makes me wonder if he had caught the vamp he was after. I mean I'm sure he did, but the thought of a bloodthirsty vampire out there makes me on edge. but Sara doesn't seem to be bothered by it. then again she never watches Twilight all the way throw she always falls asleep.

We make it to where the car is. only to have a heart attack. Sitting in front of us is nothing other than a black 1967 Chevy Impala.

And the only reason i no this is supernatural baby.

"OH MY OREO PANCAKE BISCUIT!" I yell. Jack looks at me. "Oh yeah, a fan of classic cars?" I smile as I wake up to the Impala and start to look at it. "You can say that." then he looks at me and then asks something I haven't expected. "Oh are you a supernatural fan?"

"Hell yeah. I'm madly in love with Cass, and I may have a thing for Crowley every now and again." He laughs. "Yeah good show." Sara goes to walk with me, but steps wrong and is about to fall on her face until Jacob grabs her before she falls.

___3rd p.o.v.___

AS Jacob catches this girl. He didn;t have her name. But he did know that when he looked into her eyes she was all that mated, it was not gravity holding him to the earth it was this girl, she was his now and forever, his happy ever after and she had no idea.

But unaward to Jacob, one person did this girl's friend. Who has read enough Cheese Twilight fanfiction that really was better than the books? To know what just happened

And pure Sara just thought Jacob was creepy.

_Anna pov_

I laugh to myself, that bitch just got imprinted on. getting out of his arms as fast as she could and walks to me. "um, thank." she tells him , "no problem! By the way, I'm Jacob." Jake says watching Sara's move. Pore thing. "I'm Ana and this is Sara." "well it's nice to meet you both." he small as at us. "So dog what the 411 on the car?" i as try to bring his intention to me instead of SAra, and thankfully it work. "Dog?" he asked, as I put my hands on my hips. "Word. homes." he laughs, "ok homie. You guys can have it. Just don't call me dog again." i smile at him "i can't make any promises... dog!"

i know Sara has no idea why I keep calling him dog. But i planned to tell her later. "Let me run and get the keys, that cool?" "i smile at him "Yeah." Jake turns and walks out. "What the hell was that?" Sara asked as to moves away from me. "Later." I answer. Right before Jake walks back in. "here you go." he holds the keys out for one of us to take so i take them. "Thank how much do we owe you?" "Nothing, just happy to be rid of it." I can see he's lying, his only doing it because he imprinted on Sara and he's trying to butter her up. "You sore. I have a $1,000 with me." he smiled "no that's fine. Just take care of her." I can see he doesn't mean the car. "Of Course, i will," i say with a smile and look at Sara. the look of surprise in Jake's eye is ever evemut as he looks at us.

_____home ____

We sit in Sarah's room as we play Fortnite on the switch.

"So care to share what happened at la push." "Nothing you got imparted on." I as I die on the game." " And that means what." Jacob is madly in love with you and you have no say in what happened with the relationship because the brod the wrote Twilight thought imprinting would be romantic, you have no say in your love life." "what kind of fucked up shite is this." "this may dear friend is what twilight fans call romantic."          



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