Whilst and Narz

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I woke up, I woke up, I woke up I was concious, I was concious, I was concious. I looked around me and there and I was drenched in water and there was a bong on the floor.

I said "Where am I?" And I had a flash of a life event.

I was tripping pretty hard, I could hardly remember what had happened. I grabbed a bottle of water off the table and had a five or six huge gulps. This type of situation wasn't new to me I had done it before and each time, I came back remembering more and more, maybe my memory was becoming acustome to the experience. I felt as though I was making most of it up though. I rushed over to my computer and started documenting the experience as I had done over and over again but this time it would be expressed as a story. I will call it 'Omega', I thought to myself.

So I started to draft it up I spent awhile on it but most of it was made up conundums and whilst and narz, but the writing flowed and I was quite happy with it. Teleportation this and Morsel that I thought, I quite liked it and I think others will too.

I finally got to the end and it was quite shocking too me, but I was alright with it. There was a lot that had been left out I thought but you know you cannot win them all. Last sticky full stop and I was done, again quite happy with the whole result.

I looked around and the place wasn't a complete mess but there was a few things that needed to be touched up, it had only been 5-10 minutes, even though it had felt like a much longer time. I went to the fridge and grabbed a sandwich which I had prepared earlier for the occasion and wolfed it down, followed by a energy drink.

I wasn't going to do anything else for the day just some writing I thought, maybe some artwork but who knows where the day will take me. I left the house and walked down the street still having complex thoughts about my journey and how they melded with normal everyday life.

Did all these people know me? I had been through this many times before and they probably had no idea who I was, but it was something that would pop up on the occasion, but it probably wasn't uncommon in normal everyday life for people, so it didn't concern me too much. I walked up the street and had another feeling of knowing this moment, but no there wasn't any Dragons waiting for me at the other end, I was just having a nice stroll down the street. Quite relaxing really.

The DMT had hit hard this time, but the memories were fading even more so, but I had scripted it all down, as not to lose it. I ended up back home, which had once been apart of myself I thought, but it was just my home once again, there was no Raggs or anyone else for that matter I was in the stable environment that was my home, but what can you expect when ingesting such a cone of that size.

I sat on the couch the place was clean at this point, I was pretty content with myself just working things out as I grew. The bong ended back at the front of my mouth with a large cone packed and woossshh I was off again on another adventure, good to have that stability I thought to myself, but it wouldn't last for long and didn't.

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