Story 4

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"Oh yes!" Sebastian exclaimed. His face was bright and expressive as he spoke with an exaggerated smile. "We're going to go get Mummy some cake! Yes we are! Some sour, sour, sour lemon cake!"

'A goddamn Adonis,' Jo thought to herself while her husband larked around the room and went on about lemon cake for a number of minutes using the sing-songy and over-enthusiastic tone he had taken to using whenever he spoke with the babies.

Not only did he enjoy the way his sons watched and listened to him when he spoke like this, but he also happened to know it drove his wife absolutely and entirely mad — in all the right ways — to observe him interacting with their sons in this way. He glimpsed at her from across the room and noted the way she bit her lip, even after all this time, before speaking.

"I can walk with you, you know!!" Jo attempted to reason. "I'm not an invalid! It's only around the block."

But her husband would hear nothing of it.

Given how petite she was, their family doctor had advised Josephine Sallow to keep off her feet in the final weeks of her pregnancy with Des and Freddie. It was a precaution for Josephine's (and Josephine's back's) sake.

As such, Sebastian had taken to insisting upon the same regimented rest in the final weeks of this, her second pregnancy. The fact that she was carrying merely one baby now was the only reason Sebastian would allow her a bit of activity at all.

"And anyway," he added with his signature, mischievous, one-sided smirk, "I need you conserving your energy for tonight."

He bounced his dark eyebrows.

Jo sighed in mock defeat, laughing at the way Sebastian held their little Desmond on his hip and struggled to keep the babe from gripping and pulling too hard at his papa's beard, which had become a thing of fascination for the twins in the past weeks.

When the baby boy finally did get in a good yank, Sebastian grimaced and hissed, "you little bastard!!" But an undeniable glint of pride shone from within his brown eyes. The way his nose crinkled in reaction to his tiny son would have made Jo's legs buckle from under her if she weren't already sitting down.

She chortled, "honey, I don't wish to be the bearer of bad news but Des was, indeed, born within the bounds of our matrimony. For better or worse, he is no bastard."

"Nope," Sebastian retorted, flatly. "Pretty sure you spawned this one with the devil, himself. A torrid affair! It was all over the papers, don't you recall?"

"Hmm, yes I suppose that rings a faint bell. If memory serves, he liked for me to address him as 'sir'..." Jo replied with a smirk of her own, playing right along with her love and referring to the title Sebastian demanded Jo use when his mood was leaning more dominant. This comment made Sebastian smile with all of his teeth and exhale an almost silent, but genuine laugh through the tension at the back of his jaw.

Holding out her arms and hands in a grabbing motion towards him for a hug, Jo joked, "thank goodness you put a NEW 'little bastard' inside of me, being the undeniably official little family we are, so I can restore my reputation and virtue, far and wide!"

Her sparkling tone and refreshing smile only added to the glorious, unearthly radiance in which Sebastian felt he was lucky enough to bask every moment he spent in her presence.

Smiling proudly at the sight of his pregnant, swollen wife – attributes that, in his opinion, rendered her deliciously helpless – he set down his only-slightly-more-rambunctious son on the floor next to his only-slightly-more-thoughtful twin, and then moved towards his wanting wife to embrace her.

"Wrong again, love," he said softly with a cheeky tension in his throat. Running his hand possessively around his wife's large, pregnant belly, and becoming so immediately overwhelmed by doing so that he couldn't stop himself from leaning his mouth against it. He practically growled, shaking his hands in their strong grip of her abdomen, and groaned "fucking goddess" against her body.

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