Chapter 6

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Yunjin still can't believe she actually fucked Chaewon.

It's been several days and she's been actively avoiding her step sister. A title that makes bile rise to her throat. Fortunately, they don't exactly have an opportunity to discuss what happened. Her father and Taeyeon come back from a trip only to announce they're leaving in two weeks again. Something about securing an international deal in Japan. Neither Chaewon nor Yunjin are particularly surprised. They simply nod and shrug noncommittally when her father lets them know over dinner, trying his best to sound apologetic. "It's business season," he says, "Yunjin knows how it is. Right, Yun?"

Yunjin hates any variation of her name, and she knows 'business season' has lasted seventeen years and is still going strong. But she keeps those thoughts to herself and only nods, not meeting Chaewon's eyes. She's been doing that a lot. Or not doing that a lot.

How exactly does one look their step sibling in the eye after they fucked their brains out?

She's yet to find the answer so she keeps her eyes downcast, slowly chewing and swallowing. Chaewon, on the other hand, keeps the conversation going; mostly with snide remarks that their parents don't see through, either not understanding or not caring enough about the hidden malice behind faux politeness. In Yunjin's humble opinion, the dinner is a disaster but the adults appear unfazed by the silent tension. Maybe that tension is felt by her and no one else?

But Chaewon's gaze burns through her, dark and heavy, and she has her answer. She's not sure she likes it.

"Thank you, dear," her father says pleasantly. Yunjin's eyes automatically raise to his face but his are trained on Taeyeon with something akin to fondness in them. "Dinner was delicious."

Yunjin has to admit it was. Taeyeon quickly adapted to their particular diet and learned to cook highly nutritional, boring food but with added personal touch. Her own cooking is still better, of course, but Taeyeon's a fast learner. She might miss her a tiny bit when she's gone. The woman doesn't crowd her and doesn't try to become the mother Yunjin's never had. She did have a mom. She doesn't remember her, but she did have a mom. And Taeyeon respects that.

She steals a glance at Chaewon. Her step sister is staring at her practically full plate with barely hidden contempt. Taeyeon tried to gently chide her for not eating, but Chaewon's cheeky response about stocking up on protein earlier sent Yunjin into a coughing fit as she tried not to gag. Then Taeyeon was too busy asking if there was something wrong with her meal to pay attention to a smirking Chaewon. Yunjin managed to wheeze out an 'it's fine, I'm fine', casting a discreet glare at her step sister. The brunette winked and she locked her jaw, looking away.

That was low-class even for Chaewon, honestly.

Before leaving the table, her father decides to make it even worse. "Oh," he says suddenly, as if remembering something, "You mentioned something about protein, Chaewon? Protein-based diet should be threaded carefully, but with the right knowledge it's very beneficial. I might have a recipe book somewhere. I can look for it if you want." When Taeyeon gives him a thankful smile, Yunjin gets the reasoning behind her dad's sudden interest in Chaewon's diet.

Yunjin's merely grateful she's not eating at the moment because she's sure she would've choked on her broccoli.

She glances at Chaewon again and the brunette is barely containing her laughter. "Oh, um," she stutters with a wide smile. "That's really nice of you to offer, Mr. Huh, but I'm thinking of switching to something else. To, um," she throws a look Yunjin's way, full of unspoken words, "honey."

Her father blinks. "A diet based on... honey?"

It's been a while since Yunjin had the urge this strong to ram a fork in her eye. Chaewon is biting her lips, trying to hide the grin threatening to break out.

Touch You (M) (Purinz/Yunjin x Chaewon)Where stories live. Discover now