Chapter 10

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Midterms come and go and finals creep up on them. Yunjin's fallen a little behind in two of her classes and she needs to ace her exams if she wants perfect grades. That means less fencing practice and no Chaewon. Which means Chaewon bringing other people home.

Her step sister has grown much more considerate and Yunjin's grateful for that. She's still loud, yes, but with her door closed and with Yunjin holed up in her father's study, it's much less bothersome. It is bothersome for other reasons, but Yunjin's never been one for people ownership so she brushes those reasons aside.

Even if they did roleplay that one time, Chaewon isn't hers in any way. No matter what her body is telling her. She doesn't consider Chaewon hers.

Or so she thinks, until she enters the kitchen one day to find some snacks for her tired brain and finds Chaewon chatting with another brunette girl, both of them in various states of undress. Chaewon is wearing her usual robe; Yunjin's come to think of it as Chaewon's morally ambiguous hero robe. The girl has Chaewon's shorts and a band t-shirt on, and Yunjin tries not to look at the way she's tracing her fingers up and down Chaewon's arm.

She's contemplating turning around and leaving when the girl notices her and speaks in a lovely, mild voice. "Oh. Hello." She casts a quick glance at Chaewon. "I'm Sullyoon. You're Chaewon's sister, right?"

Yunjin's eyes meet Chaewon's briefly and she struggles not to cringe. "Step sister, yes."

"Not even that yet, really," Chaewon adds. She looks as uncomfortable as Yunjin feels, just for a second before it's gone and she's smiling again. "Yunjin, Sullyoon. Sullyoon, Yunjin."

She's never introduced her to any of her conquests before.

Sullyoon is nice enough, Yunjin thinks. She's soft-spoken and pretty, and she definitely looks older than them but Yunjin's long since learned not to question Chaewon's choices. She likes tea and poetry and genuinely laughs at Chaewon's jokes.

Yunjin feels like a stranger in her own kitchen, so she stands up and leaves with a customary 'it was nice to meet you' and a long look at Chaewon.

The brunette averts her eyes first and Yunjin nods to herself as she goes back to the study.

It doesn't really mean anything, Yunjin tells herself. She's not sure what exactly she's talking about.

When she bumps into Sullyoon again, she gets her answer.

(Whatever she and Chaewon had, it never meant anything.)

Sullyoon is about to close the door to Chaewon's room when Yunjin emerges from hers, ready for her morning jog. She blinks at the older brunette, surprised. No one, besides Yunjin, has ever been to Chaewon's room twice as far as she knows.

(But it never meant anything.)

"Hey," the brunette whispers, smiling at her in greeting. "Did I wake you?"

Yunjin looks down at herself, clearly decked in running gear and lifts her eyes to meet Sullyoon's again, raising an eyebrow.

"Right." The other girl chuckles. "Going for a run."

"Yes," Yunjin says, still staring at her. The brunette shifts on her feet, visibly uncomfortable. Yunjin finds she doesn't particularly care. She's still baffled at seeing her again.

"Um, Chaewon is still asleep," Sullyoon informs her. "Do you know how she likes her tea?"

Yunjin blinks and locks her jaw. "She doesn't drink tea."

She turns and leaves Sullyoon standing there as she descends the stairs. For the very first time, she regrets not taking her headphones with her. Beautiful scenery isn't enough to drown her thoughts out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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