Chapter 7 (M)

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The parents' sudden arrival and lengthy dinner throws Yunjin off schedule, and she scowls as she looks at her watch after finishing her homework. Almost midnight. Great. She thinks she'll skip her morning jog this time.

She's done brushing her teeth before bed when her phone goes off. A message. Yunjin sincerely hopes it isn't Seulgi telling her she's got additional practice tomorrow after school. Her coach has been urging her to train more often because of the winter fencing tournament. As much as Yunjin loves practice, she needs her rest too. Her fencing achievements won't be useful if she doesn't have perfect grades to back up her applications.

But, as she swipes the screen, she kind of wishes it were Seulgi.

Chaewon: are you asleep?

Yunjin has no idea why Chaewon is texting her this late. She has no idea why Chaewon is texting her, period. Not one to beat around the bush, she simply asks.

Yunjin: About to. Did you need something?

She briefly wonders why she didn't simply ignore her step sister when her screen lights up again.

Chaewon: you left your book downstairs

Chaewon: you want me

Chaewon: to bring it to you?

She rolls her eyes. That double message was really unnecessary, and both Chaewon and Yunjin know it.

So how does she play this? She's not sure what Chaewon is trying to achieve here. An entrance to her room, clearly; but what is she hoping to find there? A warm body?

Yunjin responds purely because she's curious what will happen.

Yunjin: I do.

Yunjin: Thank you.

Two can play at that game, even if one of the participants isn't sure what the game is. So she plops down on her bed on top of the covers, and waits.

Her door makes a tiny creak as Chaewon opens it, sliding inside her room. Yunjin looks up from her phone, taking her in and resisting the urge to roll her eyes as she notes the pajama shorts Chaewon is wearing. Same ones she had on when Yunjin let her emotions get the best of her. Silky and short to the point of indecency - if pajama shorts even can be considered indecent. They are meant to be worn in bed after all, not to a ball. Yunjin is in no position to judge. She herself has boxers on.

Chaewon lazily trails her gaze up Yunjin's outstretched body. Their eyes meet and Chaewon's face is void of her usual smirk. Instead, there is concentrated determination in the way she looks between Yunjin's eyes and her lips.

"Here," she says softly, placing the book on Yunjin's nightstand. She glances at it. To Kill a Mockingbird. So Chaewon didn't make up an excuse. It's actually her book. Yet somehow Yunjin doubts it's all Chaewon wanted.

She sits on the bed in a simple fluid movement, placing her feet on the floor, and stares up at the brunette. It's impossible to ignore the way her brown eyes darken, and Yunjin suppresses the urge to shiver at the memory of what happened the last time she's seen that particular shade of brown. "Thank you," she says, her voice even. Chaewon nods. She has a lovely throat, Yunjin thinks as she watches the brunette swallow. Does it still have her mark from last time? She can't tell from this angle: Chaewon's hair is hiding that part of her neck.

They are still for a long moment, both looking at each other. Waiting. Yunjin's beginning to figure out what's going on, and she'll be damned if she makes it easy for the brunette this time. So she sits, unmoving, expressionless. Watching Chaewon come has been incredible, but watching her squirm in discomfort at having the control slip away - that just might be Yunjin's new favorite thing. One of them, anyway.

Touch You (M) (Purinz/Yunjin x Chaewon)Where stories live. Discover now