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*A Blue Addison was in their store, eagerly awaiting any potential sale. Upon hearing that Lightners had arrived in town, they hoped to convince them to buy a "[One of a Time Experience Click Here]" or a "[DVD Half Price]". They decided to approach the Orange Addison, who also had a store nearby.*

Blue Add: Hey, any sale or click yet?

Orange Add: Not yet... I just hope it's because it's too early.

Blue Add: Hey, don't worry, dude. At any moment, someone has to come near here, and we will advertise until we can't advertise anymore.

Orange Add: Hope you are right.

*However, as hours passed, not even a Maus stepped into the vicinity until...*

Orange Add: Please be welcome here. Enter and take a seat.

*A scared Werewire accepted the welcome of the Addison, seemingly fleeing from something, but the Addison wasn't paying much attention.*

Orange Add: Please tell me, are you interested in "[Hot Single Near Your Area]" or "[A Hot Hot Deal You Won't Regret]".

*The Werewire was tense, looking around nervously, ignoring the Addison's chatter. The Addison became annoyed, as they just wanted a single sale.*

Orange Add: Hey, hey, down here, my friend. Please.

*The Werewire continued to ignore the Orange one, who was becoming increasingly frustrated.*

Orange Add: Why am I even bothering talking to you? According to the queen, you have no emotions.

*The Werewire stared displeased at the Addison's commentary and left, running to find another place to hide.*

Orange Add: Wait, I didn't mean to... Please, you've been my only client in hours.

*The Addison was alone again.Blue saw the Werewire running and went after them.*

Blue Add: What was that?

Orange Add: No luck... he seemed anxious about something...

Blue add: Don't worry; he won't be the last one. Also, the Queen is probably searching for them or something.

*The Addisons tried to get back to work, but it was too silent. No cars, no crowds, not even Task Manager organising the streets, just silence. Something wasn't right.*

*The Addisons decided to take a break and entered the Orange one's store.*

Orange Add: Cyber World has been quite lonely today, don't you think?

Blue Add: I know, right? This isn't normal.

Orange Add: It's like the whole city went off or something.

*They started eating some CD Bagels when Blue saw some Ambyu-Lance roaming around a sign they left there.*

Blue Add: ORANGE, LOOK!!!

Orange Add: WHAT?!?!

*They both rushed out of the store as fast as they could.*

Blue Add *on their knees*: Please, please!!! Buy something from us. We've been waiting all day for someone...

*Orange gave a hit to Blue.*

Orange Add *whispering*: Blue, that's not the way to get buyers.

Blue Add: RIGHT! RIGHT!... UHM... could I interest you in a "[1000 and 1 Ways to Get Engaged]".

Ambyu-Lance 1: Sorry, folks...

Ambyu-Lance 2: We are not searching for any deals. We have reports of some people disappearing or getting injured. We cannot rest until we find them.

*The Addisons were already desperate.*

Orange Add: Please, just...

Blue Add: Come on, Orange. There's no point in this.

*The Addisons returned to their rest, much more disappointed. An hour or two passed, but not a single person came to their stores.*

Blue Add: You know what? I'm going to my store. I'm tired of no one coming here.

Orange Add: Hey, you were the optimistic one, so you'll stay awake until someone gets here!

Blue Add: Accept it, Orange! No one is going to come. I'm going to my store.

*Orange watched as their friend left the store and went to their own. The Blue Addison sat on their chair while Orange kept watching the Ambyu-Lance occasionally passing in front of their window. The Blue Addison couldn't do anything else but get some sleep.*

*But some hours later, they were woken up.*

Orange Add: Blue! Wake up! We have to get out of here!

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