Regret the words

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Alaz and Asi were both sleeping,

It was morning. Alaz woke up and opened his eyes. His back was in such a pain. Stretching his body and feeling the pain is what he did. He looked around and noticed he was not at home" How did I even sleep" he said. Alaz grabbed his phone and saw that it was 7 in the morning. After putting his phone down, he noticed Asi sleeping in peace, so he looked at her. Her face so smooth. Lips filled with color, a mix between a shade of pink and red, a perfect jawline.... Tall eyelashes. The curls in her hair with the rings, rhe colorful braid... he never realized how beautiful she actually is. Her beauty is one you can not describe easily with words. He slowly sat on the edge of the bed so he wouldn't wake her up and kept looking at her while stroking her hair out of her face. He stayed like this for a little while.
He stood up to go to his car. Alaz knew Asi would wake up with a hangover since she drank much yesterday, so he went to grab some pills that help release the pain and a bottle of water.

When he came back he saw Asi suddenly moving. She whispered " Umut" .... " Umut...." she said whole turning her head left and right " Umut" Alaz noticed that she had a panick attack. He exactly knew how she felt, since he had them a couple years ago and always helped Cagla with hers. So he knew exactly what to do to help her. " Umut ablacim.." Alaz slowly sat straight and held her hands.

"Umut!" She said while she screamed and sat up. She was covered in sweat. Hands were trembling, heart rate went up and eyes filled with anxiety " Sssssh ..... It's okay" he said " It was just a bad dream"

" He grabbed her and pulled her closer to him into a hug" " Everything you saw was just a dream. Nobody else is here. Its just me and you. Breath slowly in..... and slowly out. Just like yesterday" he said whole holding her shoulder. She did what he said. It took her a little while to realize Alaz was there... How did she even get into the bed. How did he even get into the house? All questions spooking around in her head. She hated to show herself so vulnerable like this. Asi doesn't cry in public, doesn't show emotions in public, she always presents herself in a strong way, because nobody can break her then.

" What are you doing here?!" She yelled at him. He sighted " you for real?" " Alaz what are you doing here!" " woah calm down asi kiz" he said while he kept his hands up. She  felt a huge headache.... Very sensitive to light. She touched her head with her hands, because it hurted so bad." Don't you remember anything?" " Alaz don't play with me. Im not in the mood for your stupidity" Alaz started to get angry but he kept back his anger. He sight" Okay fine ... Last night I called you..... you were crying. I wanted to be a good person for one time and didn't leave you all alone. You were at the bottom of the hell. Drinking.... " he said while looking at her " I thought you promised not to drink" when he wanted to continue she looked at him and said " How did I end up here with you?" " You were scared.... You said that you didn't want to sleep all alone in this house after... umut... so yea. " So you decided to stay here" she said in a very angry way. He nodded " I didn't ask you to  stay!"  He   Laughed sarcastically " Nobody said you asked me to" .... " I just wanted to help" ..." You really want to help me huh?! ..... go the fuck off then. Leave me alone. As if everything wasn't hard enough.... ive to deal with you too" he looked away. "

" You know what... you're right!" He stood up " Im the problem while I was there for you, while everyone left you alone. Im the problem while I wanted to help you. Im the problem because I didn't leave you there all drunk in that dangerous place... because I didn't want you to get sick. Im the problem because I brought you home, didn't let you drink more, even tho you already drank a lot.Im the problem because I didn't leave you here all alone while your "brothers" were gone!" He yelled. " I was stupid to be here in the first place. He grabbed his stuff and wanted to walk away. He threw the bottle of water and pills on her bed" here take this pill with some water, so your head will stop exploding. you're going to be fine in in 30 minutes".

. Once you try to do something nice, they don't appreciate it"He walked away angry.  Asi didn't say a word.

When he reached his car and opened the door, Asi walked after him. " Alaz wait!"  He closed the door" what now, he didn't even face her, his face faced the car. " Im sorry" she said.
He turned around.  " I didn't mean to" ... " It okay don't worry" he replied in a not so convincing way. She walked towards him. " Look you're right... I just can't deal with everything right now. Im not used to show my pain" she said " Im not either" he said. " just because someone is hard and cold, doesn't mean that someone has no feelings or a heart" he said while looking at the ground with his hands in his pocket. Doesn't mean that that person is always strong.... At some point you will break. And.... You need someone who cares..... who really cares" he said.

She started to cry again. " I really need a hug right now" she whispered. Alaz looked broken when she said that. Something in his heart twisted. " come here" he said while opening his arms.  She walked in his embrace and hugged him really tight. With her hands around his neck, smelling his sense while crying. Alaz hold her ever tighter while stroking her back and smelling her sense again. His favorite smell, flowers and fruit. Alaz smelled like a mix of cardamom, pink peppercorn, and violet leaves. It suddenly became each others favorite smell. They stood like that for a while.

After the hug Alaz was about to leave. " Asi... take care of yourself okay?" He said. He was about to walk away. " Oh and .... I might be a dick sometimes ... yeah a lot... to different people, but trust me im not that big of a dick towards you" he said. She smiled " I know, as I said you're not that bad"

Alaz entered his car, before he drove away they looked at each other.

Asi walked back inside. When she entered her room, she saw his wallet there. So she run back to see if he was there, but no too late. " I will wait for him to call and notice that his wallet is gone" she said. Alaz left the wallet on purpose so there would be another reason to meet each other again. She smelled her clothes, alaz's smell was so strong, that her clothes smell like him right now. So she kept smelling her jacket. When she realized she got angry at herself and took it off. Asi wants to deny her feelings that grow for Alaz, but sooner or later it will be impossible.

On the way back home Alaz was constantly smiling. After noticing it, he stopped and took a straight look. At this point he might understand that feelings are growing.

(20minutes pass)
Alaz enters the house. He goes upstairs to his room. He told everyone at home that he slept at a friends house. He literally dropped himself on the sofa. Alaz was so tired.

(10 minutes passed)
After being on his phone a little he was about to take a shower. So he took off his clothes. There was a nice smell. It came from his blouse, so he picked it up. He smelled at it. It was exactly how Asi smelled. At this point he loved the smell. After smelling it for a minute, he dropped it in the laundry basket. He didn't want to admit the feelings that were starting to grow. Both stubborn... both in love, both waiting for the call.

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