CH.10: A friend.

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"H3LL0" {Error speaking}
"Hello" {Outer/etc. speaking}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Yelling}
Hello {Narrative}

Outer and Error sat on the sofa as he inspected the clothes that Error had passed over. Error felt a bit exposed because of the lack of a jacket. Error had been so used to wearing the same clothes every single day to the point he felt a bit embarrassed by wearing different clothing.

"S0 uH.. i aPpReAc1aTe iT oUtEr." Error spoke out after the intense silence passed. Outer glanced at Error with a raised bone brow "Outer?"

Error put a hand on his mouth with realization as he let out a curse under his breath, forgetting that this sans has never been called this nickname. "I-i-1 uH.. tH1s iS tHe n1cKnAm3 i M4d3 f0r yOu. y-Y-y0U b3TteR b3 gRAtEFuL." Error crossed his arms as he looked away from outer with a slight smile, feeling happy and giddy inside.

Outer let out a little 'Ah' before responding to Error "I humbly accept the nickname, your Errorness" Error looked back at outer for a few seconds before they both burst out laughing

"y0Ur 'eRr0rnEsS'?!" Error wheezed as he tried to catch his breath "I had no other nicknames okay?!" Outer laughed back as their laughter slowly died down. "h3Y.. y0u kNoW, tH1s iS tH3 fIrSt t1Me s0mEoN3 wAs tH1s n1cE t0 m3." Errors expression softened as he looked down at the floor.

Outer looked at Error with pity before replying back to him "Im glad that I was the first." Outer stood up before turning his body to face Error that's sitting on the couch "Well then, should we go fix your clothes now, 'friend'?"

Error looked at Outer with wide eyes before they softened again into a sad expression. "y3aH. tHaNk y0u.. Fr1eNd."

Error stood up next to Outer as Outer motioned his head out the front door. "Follow me, I know a shortcut." Error nodded as they both walked towards the entrance, as soon as they stepped through the door Error felt as if he was floating in a black cold void before his feet found the ground again. Error looked around in confusion before his eyes captured how Hotland currently looks.

{A/N: This isn't the canon look, but ill try to write how i imagine it to look like btw!}

Hotland's original Red color was replaced with royal blue and baby blue colors. The lava below looked pearly white as it shined. A black cover surrounded the roof with stars littering it all around. It was a really pretty view, but it wasn't that different from the original game. Just a few recolors and stuff.

"Come on, this way." Outer motioned for Error to follow as they both entered the lab where this AU's Alphys was watching a galaxy colored Mew New kissy cutie show on screen. Both Error and Outer stood there watching Alphys scramble to her feet once she noticed the skeletons in the room.

"I-I-I'm sorry! g-give me a moment!" Alphys apologized as she rushed upstairs for a few seconds before going back downstairs with a white lab coat with colored royal blue collar and cuffs which also had yellow star shaped buttons on it.

Alphys stood infront of Outer and Error with a dumbfounded look on her face before Outer scratched his cheek with a nervous look on his face. "So uh, Alphys. This skeleton right here is my friend from an-outer AU and I'd like it if you'd fix his clothes for 'em"

Error looked unimpressed since he always had neutral feelings for Alphys in both this life and in his past life. Alphys on the other hand looked like she had stars in her eyes as she rushed over towards Error, rambling about how 'interesting' and 'unbelievable' it is.

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