CH. 19: Spill the beans

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"h3LL0" {Error speaking}
"Hello" {speaking}
"Hello." {NM speaking}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Yelling}
Hello {Narrative}
|{|hello!|}| {lil A/N}

All four of the identical looking skeletons sat around the long dining table, there were 3 chairs on each side of the table with two on each end. Killer and Horror sat on both sides of Nightmare who sat at the end of the table on his throne like chair.

Error settled on sitting on the other end of the table before glancing at Nightmare who finally decided to start the little meeting.

"Error, before you start disclosing the information you had promised me prior, it would be wise for each one of you to be properly acquainted with each other." Nightmares pinpricks moved to Killer, giving him the memo to start.

Killer was jumping up and down his chair with an extremely excited look on his face. "You already know my name! It's Killer! And what I like is!-"

Error cut killer off midway through his introduction with a scoff, finally having a serious expression on his face. "NoW iS n0t tHe tiMe f0r siLLy LitTle iNtr0duCtiOns, n1GhtMarE."

Killer gave Error an offended Huff as Nightmare rose a hand up to shut killer up, to which killer did.

"Very well then. But you'll have to provide information that's worth our time." Error leaned back on his chair, trying to remember what he read as a kid while a few memories surfaced back to his mind.

Error crossed his arms under his chest before he finally decided on what to spill and what to stay quiet about.

"FirSt.. I'd LikE t0 pOinT oUt tHaT th1s GroUp oF yOurS wOnt bE aBLe t0 sTanD uP aGaiNst tHe sTar saNses siNce yOu'rE miSsiNg oNe exTra mEmbeR."

Error rose his index finger as he pointed towards Nightmare, not really sounding cocky at the moment yet that still made a frown stretch onto Nightmares features.

"What exactly do you mean by that, Error." Nightmare narrowed his eyes at Error who trailed off by looking to the side. "SimPly pUt, oNe moRe meMber iS nEedEd. ThErE aRe tHree mEmbErs iN thEir gRoup, s0 aRe yOu."

Error looked back to Nightmare, occasionally looking to where Killer and Horror were, making sure they were listening well.

"sO, iT woULd bE bEttEr t0 oVerPowEr tHem." Nightmare looked deep in thought for a bit before realization dawned on him.

Error hadn't considered himself as an official member by saying that Nightmares group was only '3' counting out Error, making Nightmare scowl.

Nightmare knew that due to the deal he made with Error, he really isn't considered as an official member. Error is more like an 'acquaintance' than a henchman as he hoped.

Killer and Horror on the other hand listened close before they both looked at each other with confusion written on both their expressions. After all, they've only been here for a few days without any good information given to them yet.

"Uhh.. Mind filling us in?" Killer awkwardly pointed to himself while Horror nodded in agreement. Nightmare just let out a sigh in response as he inched closer to the edge of the throne like chair with his hands intertwined between his fingers as it rested under his chin.

"The 'Star Sanses' are the so called 'good guys' who are after US in order to stop me... And Error." Nightmares pinprick moved towards Killer and Horror who both let out some nodded and hums.

"So.. We're here.. To kill them..?" Horror raised a hand out with his tone laced with curiosity and confusion, his single eye tracking every movement Nightmare did.

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