Chapter Two: School/ Learning new things!

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The next day

Alvina's POV
I woke up to see Alain wasn't there. I got up and quickly walked out of the room and went down stairs and saw Alain in the kitchen cooking? "Alain?" He turned around "Oh, you're awake" I looked up and down wearing something.

"What are you wearing?" I asked "Uhh, my school uniform? You never went to school?" I shook my head "no" he sighs and continued cooking when I heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

"Morning Alain!" A girl who looked around 5-6 years old had Alain's hair color and blue eyes. I looked at the boy who was the same age as the sister 'maybe they're Twins' I thought.

He has black hair like his sister but he has green eyes "Uh Alain who's she?" "That's Alvina, Alvina those are my siblings Abigail and Alexander they're Twins" 'I knew it' I thought.

Alain's POV
I closed the door and now I'm on my way. "Alain, wait!" I heard a voice and I knew it was from Alvina "You be inside" I said "I know but I want to follow you" she said I looked at her "Whatever you go, I go too!"She said "Alright come on" I turned around and started walking Alvina followed me.
Author's POV
Alain and Alvina arrived at Alain's school.

Alvina was amazed seeing how big the place is "Woah" Alain can tell how Alvina was amazed seeing a school the first time around in his hometown.

"Alain!" Someone said, "Avery?" He said Avery stopped running and caught his breath when looks up to see Alvina "Uh Alain.. I didn't know you brought your little sister here with you" Avery said.

"Uhh she is not my sister she's my friend" Alain said Alvina's eyes sparkles when Alain says that Alvina was his friend "Did you hear that Eevee Alain said we're friends!" Alvina squealed and scooped her Eevee up and spun around, starting laughing.

Alain,Avery,and Alvina got into the school "Wait a minute Alvina doesn't have a uniform!" Avery notices Alain sigh "I'll take her to the office" Alain grabs her hand and takes her to the office.

Alain knocks on the door waiting for an answer "Come in" someone said Alain opens the door revealing a guy who looks around in his 40s blonde hair and blue eyes "Yes Mr.August?" "Mr.Sanders this is Alvina and I was wondering if she will join us" Mr.Sanders looked at Alvina "Does she have a uniform?" "No sir" Alain said "Ms.Raven".

Ms.Raven opened the door "Yes?" "Do you have any extra uniforms for Alvina?" "Yes,What's your size pumpkin?" "I'm small," Alvina said "Alright, Amanda please follow me" Alvina followed the teacher.


Alain waited for Alvina when he heard the door open and Amanda walked out wearing her uniform.

"Okay I'm ready!" Eevee jumped on Alvina's shoulder "Looks good on you" Avery commented.

While Alain nodded his head "So what's your schedule?" Avery asked Alvina "Uhh" Alain looked at Alvina's schedule "Oh you're in our class follow us" Alain said Alain walked on and Alvina,Avery followed.


"So~ what do you learn in this school?" Alvina asked "Well, You'll learn about more Pokémon's abilities and their power,and their strength"Avery said "And you'll learn about Math, Science,Reading,Physics,and History" Alain commented Alvina eyes sparkles.

"Wow learning new things about Pokémon I never knew isn't that cool Eevee" Alvina asked her Eevee. Eevee agreed "And it can be very boring sometimes when you're doing work" Avery said "Never boring for me!" Alvina said.

- Alain,Avery, and Alvina got to Alain and Avery's class and opened the door when a Furfrou came rushing causing Alvina to fall down "What's that Pokémon?" "It's Furfrou!" Avery said in surprise "But why is it so different?" Alvina said.

"Well, I could say it's Been groom" Alain said "Wait what?!" Alvina yelled turning towards Alain "Furfrou heel!" Someone yelled Furfrou obeyed as Alvina got to her feet and Eevee jumped on her head.

"Senpai you're here I began to worry that you're not coming" Someone said while hugging Alain "Yeah Rouge" Alain said not hugging back to her "Umm I'm still here" Alvina said glaring at the girl who hugging Alain.

"So, who might you be?" Rouge said "Oh me? I'm Alvina and you?" Amanda asks with a fake smile "I'm Rouge, one of Senpai's classmates. So Senpai, since when did you meet this girl?" "Last night at the Pokémon center," Alain explained. "WHAT?!" Rouge yelled glaring at Alvina who was smirking at her "Anyway Senpai did you bring your charmander with you?".

"Uhh,What does Senpai mean?" Alvina curiously asks "Well, Senpai means an upperclassman.Rouge would always call Alain 'Senpai' all day" Avery explains. "And it's really annoying," Alain scoffed. "Not only Rouge says 'Senpai' to Alain but most girls would always say 'Senpai' to Alain" Avery said 'Alain-Senpai? Cute nickname for Alain!' Alvina thought.

"Class is about to start, we should return our Pokémon to their Pokéballs" Alain said walking towards his desk "Right Furfrou return" Rouge said returning her Furfrou. Rouge returned to her seat.

"Alright class today we have a new student" Mr.Vin said "Alvina why don't you come here and introduce yourself?" Mr.Vin asked Alvina walk towards the teacher "Hi I'm Alvina  and this is my Prather Eevee and I hope we'll be friends" Alvina introduces herself.

"Woah I never seen a Eevee with Amber eyes or it's tail with hearts" One student said "Well, you're right Alvina's Eevee is a girl and having Amber eyes is rare" Mr.Vin said crouched down and pet Eevee "Doesn't Eevee have a pokéball?" "I'm afraid not," Alvina said, holding her Eevee...

"I just found her"Alvina  said "Well, that's okay why don't you sit next to Alain?" Mr.Vin said Alvina nodded and headed over to Alain and sat down next to him and set Eevee on her lap.

Rouge glared at her as Alvina smirked at her knowing that this spot is now hers to sit next to her senpai.

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