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Elizabeth's POV:

once we watered the tree, me and Charlie went downstairs to get the Christmas decorations. there were around five to six large boxes of ornaments and two boxes of ribbons and lights. we brang the boxes one by one until they were all upstairs. afterwards everyone started to open them up and pull out the decorations that they found the prettiest.

Michael's POV:

the main colors were red, green, silver, gold and white. but of course Charlie and Elizabeth wanted to put pink, Cassidy and Evan wanted to put yellow and blue, Gregory wanted to put orange and Victoria wanted to put purple.

in the end, it didn't look as bad as I thought. who am I kidding, it looked great!

we started by putting in the lights tho, we weren't sure if we were going to put in any ribbons, so we waited. afterward, we started putting in the ornaments. they were round oval and other kinds of shapes.

I know Evan had known Cassidy from the age of four, and they would always hang out every weekend. but now she lives so far away from us, and Evan only gets to see her two or three times a year, which is kinda sad. imagine growing up close to your bestfriend and then suddenly, she leaves... but that's not why we are here. we are all here to have fun, and I want everyone to enjoy their evening.

"hey mike!" Evan ran toward me.

"yeah?" I replied.

"I found the ornament that me, Elizabeth and you drew when we were so young! I think I was like, eh six or something!" he said.

"really? let me see!" Elizabeth said as she overheard our conversation.

"look!" Evan pointed at the ornament, signaling me and Elizabeth to look at it.

"cool!" I said.

"should I put it on the three?" Evan asked.

"sure, go ahead!"


3rd person's POV:

after decorating the tree, Michael sat down on the couch and closed his eyes. by now it must have been 9PM.

"WE FORGOT THE TREE TOPPER!!" yelled Elizabeth.

Elizabeth grabbed it out of the box and yelled at Gregory or Michael to put it on the tree. Gregory came to help her and placed it on top of the tree.

Evan's POV:

I watched as my younger sister and Gregory got along well, after they were done, Cassidy went down and plugged in the lights to illuminate the Christmas tree.

It was... beautiful...

sorry for the really short chapter :(

I've been so occupied lately and I've just been really tired. Again, I am so sorry😭

I will try to finish my Christmas special before December 26th.

anyways, thanks for reading :)

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