chapter one

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nayeon's pov

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nayeon's pov

MY BREATHING HITCHED as i suddenly jerk awake, disoriented and confused.i blink a few times trying to shake off the remnants of the dream rubbing my eyes that was a weird dream. i glance out to the window taking a moment to reorient myself to reality.

now fully awake, i look around to see my classmates chatting and laughing, i let out an annoyed sigh why are they always so damm loud, i should have just stayed home, i turned to glance at my two friends yoonseo and jungwon. i focused my attention at them, jungwon she held eye contact for a few seconds before she went back to writing in her laptop.

" i just had the weirdest dream ever" i whispered to yoonseo, she looked at me, but she didn't even bother replying to me, puzzled i followed her line of sight she was staring at the sleeping class president kim junhee, "just next to him if you'll keep staring like that" jungwon teased the girl smirking, " i wasn't staring." the raven haired girl tried to defend herself. i lightly shook my head her crush on the boy was so obvious.

yoonseo briefly looked out the window before shifting her attention to me, " what were you saying" she uttered, " oh i was saying i had the weirdest dream ever" i repeated back, she looked at me puzzled, i took the hint and explained my dream, " i woke up from this nightmare and i was in some hallway and a girl was standing on the other side of the hallway and she screamed at my saying something but i couldn't understand what she was saying and i woke up" i briefly explained my dream i couldn't remember the rest of it, " it's probably those horror stories you watch" jungwon muttered. i shrugged my shoulders sitting back to my seat, something in my gut was telling me that wasn't some random nightmare, i shook the weird feeling and put on my headphones and put on my favorite song, drama by aespa.


third person pov

nayeon felt someone shake her shoulder, slowly opening her eyes, she looks up to see who woke her up, it was jungwon. " let's go, we've arrived" she said softly, nayeon stood up walking out of the bus, going to the side of bus to take her bag, as she was about to take her bag, someone removed it for her, it was non other than ko kyungjun.

she swiftly grabbed her bag from his grasp and was about to walk way from the boy, but he held her wrist, " how long are you going to ignore me nayeon " he exclaimed, she tried to make him let go, but he was too strong.

"let me go kyungjun, i don't want to talk to you" she barked, that seemed to fuel the boys anger

" no you can't just ignore after what happened " she let out a sigh of annoyance, " cause i don't want to be associated with a person like you" she whisper yelled at the boy, kyungjun got even more angrier at her response, as the conversation was about to get heated, jungwon suddenly appeared next to the girl, "let's go inside" she said " don't think this conversation is over nayeon" he whispered in her ear before jointing his friends.

𝗧𝗔𝗚, 𝗬𝗢𝗨'𝗥𝗘 𝗜𝗧 ❪ 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 ❫Where stories live. Discover now