chapter four

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third person pov

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third person pov

Nayeon settled onto the cold floor of the assembly hall, her eyes widening as chaos erupted around her. The shrill echoes of fear-filled screams filled the air as her classmates frantically ran about, desperately searching for their  phones.

Nayeon's phone lay beside her, forgotten, as she caught sight of Yoonseo and Junhee on the other side of the hall. quickly pocketing her phone, she stood up, ready to make her way towards her friends. "Where are you going?" Kyungjun said holding her wrist,"Going to help my friends," she said, and without waiting for Kyungjun's response, she continued making her way toward Yoonseo and Junhee.

Nayeon and Jungwon reached Yoonseo and Junhee's side. they both knelt down to assist Yoonseo, who was on the floor. Working together, they tried to comfort and help their distressed girl, " did you get your phone" jungwon asked her friends to their dismay yoonseo and junhee shook their heads.

the four friends started looking around frantically, the voice of the siren of the lady announcing the other students name made nayeon's heart beat rapidly.

" junhee, your phone. vote fast" somi suddenly said running towards the boy handing him his phone, " what about the others ? we must find yoonseo's phone too" he said looking at the girl.

suddenly jungwon came running back towards us, you must vote fast" she said handing yoonseo her phone.

" for breaking the rules jang hyunho will be executed "

the lady on the speaker announced, nayeon's eyes widened her jaw practically hit the floor. "hyunho" she heard nahee yell his name and try to stop him but to no avail.

The hall plunged into an eerie silence, and the only sound cutting through was Nahee's gut-wrenching cry for the guy's name nayeon felt her heart drop, everyone watched the boy walk up a flight of stairs, before anyone could blink, he hung himself body swinging by the second-floor balcony railing. leaving Nayeon and everyone else just standing there, shook to the core.

" jang hyunho was a citizen "

Nayeon couldn't keep staring at the boys body. she looked away, letting her gaze drop to the floor. the whole scene was heavy, and words didn't really do justice to what she was feeling right then.

suddenly, the lights flickered back to normal, everyone stood there in shock, shedding tears, nayeon quietly wiped away her tear.

voting is over. with ten votes baek eun ha got the most votes and she will be executed.

baek eun ha was a citizen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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