chapter three

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third person pov

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third person pov

in the relative calm of the break room, kyungjun set about preparing ramen, the modest aroma wafting through the air. they settled into a quiet corner, and as he handed her a bowl, he attempted to break the heavy silence with small talk.

"so, what's your position ?" Kyungjun inquired, his tone gentle, As Nayeon sat across from him, the ramen serving as a simple reprieve, in the contemplative silence that followed kyungjun's question, nayeon considered the path of honesty or deception. Breaking the awkward moment, she decided to lie, meeting his gaze and stating, "I'm a citizen," concealing her actual role in the deadly game.

Kyungjun, seemingly accepting her response, reciprocated, "I'm a citizen too." she simply nods and continues to eat.

in the lingering silence, Kyungjun broke the quietude with a sincere admission. "I'm sorry," he uttered, his gaze directed downward. Nayeon, taken by surprise, looked up at him, curiosity and vulnerability etched on her face.

"I'm sorry about what happened between us. I'm sorry that I broke your heart. I really am," he confessed, reaching out to hold her hands. "But if you give me one more chance, I swear I'll be better," Kyungjun pleaded, his eyes earnest and sincere. "Now that we're in this mess, I realize how much I still like you. Please, Nayeon," he implored, the weight of his words carrying the vulnerability of someone seeking not only forgiveness but also a chance for redemption.

in the poignant aftermath of Kyungjun's plea, Nayeon remained silent for a few minutes, emotions swirling within her. Tears started to fall as she finally spoke, her voice laced with the pain. "You don't know how much you hurt me, Jun," she confessed, In the heavy silence that followed Nayeon's tearful confession, Kyungjun walked by her side, his eyes meeting hers. Still holding her hand, he acknowledged, "I know. We don't have to get back together, but can you stay with me? I don't want anything happening to you," he said, the sincerity in his voice cutting through the emotional atmosphere.

"Let me take care of you. I promise to keep you safe," he expressed with genuine sincerity. "I know your strong , and I believe you can take care of yourself." "But we can't trust the others. Let's stick together, yeah?" Kyungjun emphasized. Nayeon, overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions, simply nodded through tears. "I'm tired and scared," she admitted, her vulnerability laid bare. Seeking comfort, she embraced Kyungjun in a tight hug, Kyungjun reciprocated the tight embrace, his arms providing a reassuring cocoon in the midst of uncertainty. With a gentle kiss on her forehead, he whispered, "I'll take care of you, I promise."

" i missed your hugs." Kyungjun responded with a gentle laugh, a melodic sound that echoed through the break room.


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