chapter two

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nayeon's pov

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nayeon's pov

i fluttered my eyes open, it was morning already i blink, disoriented, as the echoes of the school bell linger in my mind. adding to my confusion, prompting me to glance around, i sat up and noticed kyungjun laying next to me, he stirred beside me, his gaze meeting mine and a rare tenderness colored his voice as he asked, "are you okay ?" his voice carrying a sincerity that took me by surprise. the vulnerability in his tone contrasted sharply with the tough exterior i was accustomed to momentarily overshadowing the animosity that had defined our past.

Instead, i swiftly disentangled herself and run to where yoonseo stood, the echoes of my footsteps resonated against the tiled floor as i reached the window, a chilling breeze cutting through the air. panic set in as we saw heo yool's lifeless figure on the ground below.

shock and horror gripped me, my body faltering as i registered the gravity of the situation , yoonseo gasped,the once vibrant and lively heo yool was now a tragic spectacle, and the hallway seemed to close in with the weight of the unexpected tragedy.

suddenly i heard phones buzzing, the siren and the lady on the speaker again, i quickly went to retrieve my phone.

" choi juwon was executed by the mafia, choi juwon was mafia."

"all participants, identify the mafia and begin to vote."

" where's juwon" yoonseo asked but nobody answered, fear still gripping them.

" the broadcast, whose in charge of the broadcast?, why is it even on !" one boy shouted in frustration, " the studio's on the second floor, let's go check it out. come" another one answered, prompting the other boys to follow after him.


third person pov

Amidst the chaos and urgency that enveloped the students, nayeon found herself rooted to the spot. the distant voices of her fellow students echoed through the hallways as they went in search of the mysterious woman speaking through the speaker system. however, a chilling wave of fear held Nayeon captive, rendering her unable to join the frantic pursuit.

The urgency in the air intensified when a sudden scream pierced through the corridors, sending shivers down nayeon's spine. her heart raced and a paralyzing fear gripped her, anchoring her to the spot. the collective footsteps of the remaining students echoed towards the source of the disturbance.

as the commotion grew louder, nayeon wrestled with the internal struggle to move, to join the others in unraveling the mysteries that surrounded them. the weight of fear held her in place, leaving her a silent observer to the unfolding events, each passing moment laden with uncertainty and the haunting realization that the death game they were entangled in had taken a more ominous turn.

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