Welcome to Concordia!

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Concordia, 1890, a city of new beginnings...

"Do you see him yet, Charlie?" Maddie O'Malley asks her companion as they walk through the dockyard.

Charlie Dupont shakes his head as he searches the crowd of people disembarking the ship docked at Concordia's harbour, "not yet. May I see his picture again?"

She passes him the image Chief Wright had given them of the Squad's newest detective, "the Chief told us he would be arriving today... I hope he hasn't been delayed!"

"I'm sure everything is fine, Maddie," he replies, looking back and forth between the picture and the crowd, "he must be around here somewhere!"

"Yes, but where-" she cuts herself off as the sound of children cheering grows louder, "do you hear that, Charlie? It sounds like the children are having fun!"

"It looks like it's coming from over there!" he points down the docks to where a group of children are gathered around some trunks, "I wonder what's so exciting?"

"Let us find out!"

As they drew closer to the group of children, the sound of an accordion joined their melody of laughter. Maddie and Charlie stopped behind the children and saw that they were seated around a young man who sat on one of the trunks facing them. In his hands was the instrument on which he was expertly playing a joyful tune, soon opening his mouth to sing.

"I saw three ships come sailing in

On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day

I saw three ships come sailing in

On Christmas Day in the morning"

"I saw three ships come sailing in

On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day

I saw three ships come sailing in

On Christmas Day in the morning"

"Pray, wither sailed those ships all three

On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day

Pray, wither sailed those ships all three

On Christmas Day in the morning"

"I saw three ships come sailing in

On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day

I saw three ships come sailing in

On Christmas Day in the morning"

"And all the bells on Earth shall ring

On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day

And all the bells on Earth shall ring

On Christmas Day in the morning"

"Bells are ringing, joy on Christmas Day

Angels singing, joy on Christmas Day"

"And all the angels in Heaven shall sing

On Christmas Day, on Christmas day

And all the angels in Heaven shall sing

On Christmas Day in the morning"

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