The Airship

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Main Level

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Navigation Room:

Located at the front of the airship, it houses the ship's wheel and controls. It features a large window that takes up the front nose of the airship and extends down past the balcony where the ship's wheel is on and up to the chief's office.

The room also features navigation equipment, including a compass on a stand beside the wheel and a map of Concordia and its districts that take up the entire left wall. On the right wall are corkboards and chalkboards that the team uses to display suspect profiles, killer profiles, and other information related to current cases.

Charlie is the one who pilots the ship the most, but Chief Wright, Rose, and Isaac are also trained to fly it if the inventor is unavailable. After joining the team, Charlie taught Argo how to pilot the airship; the detective was a natural as many of the controls are based on the ones used to steer a motorized boat.

Dick's Morgue:

When the Flying Squad discovers a dead body, it's sent to Dick's morgue for an autopsy. In here, he conducts tests to find out how victims died and to identify any evidence left behind by the killers. The room is equipped with tools and inventions (most made by Charlie) to help Dick with his work. You'll find his work tables, autopsy tables, a body cooler and a bookcase filled with science and medical textbooks.

Dick also has a model skeleton he calls Dr. Bones that he likes to talk to. It helps him focus his thoughts when analyzing lab samples.

Of course, since this lab belongs to Dick, other experiments are conducted in it on top of the autopsies. And much to the Squad's dismay, they fall into the "self-experimenting" category... Many have tried to get Dick to stop, but none have succeeded. They're just happy he conducts his experiments on the airship where the team can help him if something goes wrong.

Viola's Lab:

When a forensic sample requires analysis, it gets sent to Viola! She analyzes everything the Squad's detectives find during their investigations to help put criminals away from their crimes. And while she occasionally receives odd samples in her lab, she loves a challenge!

Along with her forensic work, Viola has items from her theatrical hobby to make the lab more her own. She has posters from her favourite plays, small props and costume accessories to help her get into character when she practices at work. She also has a picture of her, and her parents proudly displayed on the wall beside her desk. Her parents are so proud of Viola for joining the Flying Squad, so she keeps the picture close to remember their love.

Evie's Library:

Books, books and more books! Did I mention you'll find books in this room?

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