Let Me Down Gently

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Elysium Fields lighthouse, 8 o'clock in the evening...

"Argo! What do you think of my new attire? Isn't it simply fabulous?" Maddie asks, twirling to showcase her flowy, glittery green dress, "it's the latest trend from Paris!"

"Lovely, Maddie!" Argo compliments.

"I daresay you would find it rather difficult to drive your MadMobile in such a gown, Madeline. It seems highly impractical!" Isaac comments.

"Nonsense, Bontemps! If anything, it's all those layers I usually wear which get in the way!" Maddie laughs, "anyhow, I never thought I'd be attending a party in Elysium Fields... And much less in a lighthouse!"

"I used to live in a lighthouse," Argo says as they approach the tall building.

"Really?" she questions.

He nods, "mio Nonno was the lightkeeper of Canto del Mare. My parents and I lived with him and Nonna in the house attached to it."

"That must have been an interesting home to grow up in!" Isaac assumes.

"It was nice; our home was the closest to the sea, and it was fun watching the stars from the lantern room," Argo reminisced, "even so, I never imagined I miei nonni hosting a party in it... Nonna would attack anyone with her rolling pin if they dared make a mess!"

"It is indeed an honour to be participating in the annual festivities of Mr. Alastor, an influential gentleman of the highest standing!" Arthur states, adjusting his cravat, "I am, of course, invited to at least one of these soirées every year."

Argo chuckles, "why does that not surprise me, Chief... What is so speciale about la festa?"

"There are not one, but six soirées each year!" he corrects, "a different crowd is invited to each party, so one never knows quite what to expect! But as this is your first time, please ensure you remain on your best behaviour. I shouldn't like the Squad's good name to be sullied!"

"Chief Wright, have you ever known me to get up to mischief?" Maddie winks.

Leaving the party at 6 o'clock in the morning...

"Look for... the sil.. ver lining," Maddie drunkenly sways to her slurred signing as Issac and Arthur try to guide her into the Chief's vehicle, "whene'er a cloud app...ears-"

"Madeline, you have had rather too much to drink!" Isaac scolds, catching her by the arm as she trips on a rock.

"At least... I can... st-still walk! Not like that girl over there..." she giggles and points with a shaky hand at a young girl lying on the rocks of the shoreline, "look... She drank so much that she's fallen over! Ha!"

"Dear me, Argo!" he cries as he sees the girls Maddie has spotted. "that girl is not inebriated! Why, I do believe she is dead!"

"Dead?! Bbburrpp... Oh... Oh, dear..." Maddie covers her mouth as her face turns green, "we need to invist... invegstit... Do the thing!"

"You shall do nothing of the sort in your condition, Madeline," Arthur refuses, "I am going to get you home safely while Argo and Isaac investigate! Detectives, recover the body and take a look around the coastline!"

Argo and Isaac assisted Arthur in getting Maddie into the Chief's vehicle before investigating the coastline. Isaac helped Argo down the wooden steps leading to the base of the rocks where the girl's body was. The poor girl's limbs were bent at unnatural angles, and a large burn scar covered the left side of her face. She was dressed in a beautiful white dress similar to Maddie's, but hers was stained with blood. On the rock beside the one she was lying on was an evening bag that matched the girl's outfit.

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