New City, New Home, New Mysteries

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Argo heaves a sigh of relief as he sets his quill down to let his signature dry on his finished report. When he decided to move to Concordia, he'd hoped to have an easy transition from Italy, but apparently, his new home chose to greet him through trial by fire. Literally.

He hadn't had such craziness in years, even with the cases he worked on in Italy. But it was strangely... Exciting. It was a new adventure for him, something he wasn't sure he would have after being diagnosed with MdDS. But when his old Police Chief approached him about a potential job in Concordia, USA, well, it didn't take much persuading from the Chief for Argo to submit his application.

If you had told Argo five years ago that one day he would move halfway across the world and join a team called The Flying Squad, which operated on an airship, he wouldn't have believed you. But he would have been curious. People always told Argo he was too curious for his own good, but if he weren't curious, he wouldn't have become a detective at only 21 years old. He couldn't help being drawn to a mystery; he was like a moth to a flame sometimes, seeking the truth even if it was dangerous.

Shaking himself out of daydreaming, he checks his report to see if the ink has dried. Satisfied that it was and wouldn't smudge, Argo organized the pages and stapled them together. Caspian was sleeping in his nest on the custom perch Charlie had built after meeting the bird and learning about his likes. Leaving his companion to his nap, Argo rises from his seat, slips his arms into his crutches, and grabs the stack of papers.

He exits his office and walks along the catwalk to the Chief's office at the front of the airship. He hears a door opening and looks to see Maddie walking out of her office, report in her hand and talking to Charlie, who exits the room right after her. Maddie catches his eye from across the catwalk and smiles.

"I see we're both doing the same thing," Maddie quips, shaking her report, "I hope you're planning to relax after giving the Chief your report, Argo. Lord knows you've earned it!"

"Yeah!" Charlie agrees, "you've been practically run off your feet since you arrived in Concordia! Have you even had time to move into your new house?"

"Beyond opening my trunks to change my clothes?" Argo chuckles, "no, but I have tomorrow off, so I'll spend the day putting my things away."

"Would you like help?" Maddie offered.

"It's alright; I wouldn't want you to spend your day off working," he replies.

"We don't mind," Charlie argues as they meet in front of the Chief's door, "besides, we haven't been able to get to know you outside of work yet!"

"If you're sure it's not a problem..." he says, knocking on the Chief's door.

"It would be our pleasure," Maddie beamed as they heard footsteps drawing closer from inside the office.

The door opens, Arthur smiling when he sees the group waiting for him, "ah, Detectives, Charlie. I assume you're here to give me your reports?"

"Sì signore!" Argo confirms, holding out his stack of papers.

Maddie followed suit and gave her report to the Chief as well. Arthur flips through the pages, confident that nothing had been left out, smiling and nodding to himself. Once satisfied, he moved the reports to hold them in the crock of his arm so he could address the three before him.

"How are you settling into life in Concordia, Argo?" Arthur inquired, "I hope the fire and murders haven't turned you off?"

"Murders I signed up for, the fire was just an unwelcome bonus," Argo jokes, "but I have been enjoying the city; it has strangely diverse regions... Is it true there is a desert?"

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