Meeting the Troops

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(Tank shed).

All the girls and soldiers who were present stared at the rusted hull of a panzer 4. 

"IS this it. I thought it would look more impressive."

"Yeah that looks like a piece of junk."

Asha continued to listen to them complain about the tanks appearance. A tanks she knew was very useful fortunately miho began to explain that the tank was still in good shape. 

Eventually the student council instructed the other students to go hunt for any other tanks they may have lying around the ship. 

Asha quickly turned to follow miho but the short student president stopped her. 

"Hold it Colonel we need you to inspect the troops."

"The troops?" Asha asks with a raised eyebrow. "You talking about the men who came with me cause if so there's no need I already inspected them yesterday and I've served with them for a long time so I think I'll go help Miho." She says while brushing shoulders with the prez. 

"The president is talking about the 500 girls and boys who make up the security club." The girl with the monocle who Asha had heard was called momo.

"We transferred them to your troops to start an army group for Ooarai to accompany the Sensha-do team in the upcoming tournament. " The Girl with a more bushy ponytail states who Asha knew was called yuzu. 

"I see." Asha says while closing her eyes and smiling. "I'll admit you guys are a lot of things and efficient and hard working are definitely qualities that you all have." Asha praises. "Now then where are these new troops I am to inspect." She says while clapping her hands together.

It was the Prez who Asha knew was Anzu who answered her question with a smile. "They should be in the gym with your other soldiers waiting for you. When you get there the security council prez  Suzume should be there already getting them organized with your Captain Koume"

"Very well I'll head there then." Asha says. However she quickly stops mid stride as she turns to two soldiers near them. " You two go ensure that Miss Nishizumi is safe." Asha orders.

"Yes mam." They reply Simultaneously. 

the student council exchanged confused looks." Why does she need protection." Yuzu asks a little worried .

Asha's expression hardened as memories flooded back into her head of a scared miho cowering behind her older sister. " Let's just say It's a promise I made to An old friend that Miho would never be without protection." 

The student council looked like they wanted to say more but Asha shot them a glare that cut them off. 

"If you press for any more info from either me or miho or anyone else Under my command I will personally make your lives a living nightmare got it." She snapped as she resumed walking towards the school.

(With Miho).

Miho and her friends had stooped to look for tanks in a parking lot however It became pretty apparent that their was no tanks in the area. 

Eventually Saori suggested looking in the forest a decision that made miho laugh. However she spotted a rather nervous looking girl with poufy hair scramble behind a car near them. A girl who miho could tell was following them so eventually she asked if she wanted to come with them to look for tanks.

The girl immediately accepted and introduced her self as Yukari. Soon they all began to follow Hana who apparently picked up the scent of iron and oil with the flowers of the woods.  

"Hey what's that." Saori asks pointing towards something black and metal.

"Its the 38 T a main stay in field marshal Rommel's panzer divisions and an essential component in the blitzkrieg." Yukari states while rubbing her cheek against the metal of the machine. 

After calling the council to inform them about the tank they had found yukari asked an interesting question that surprised Miho.

"Hey Miss Nishizumi Did You guys have any 38-Ts in The Kuromorimine Army group?" 

Miho was surprised she guessed yukari was a fan of Kuromorimine but she didn't think that she had paid so much attention to them to know that the army group had tanks because they were rarely used. 

"Yes they did but they were never deployed." Miho answered a little uncertainly she actually did not know if they had any or not because of how rare it was to see the Kuromorimine army group deploy support tanks she made a mental note to ask Asha about it cause she would probably know.

(Ooarai gym). 

Suzume stood on the stage looking nervous. the sight of 1'500 veteran student soldiers was a sight to behold the discipline they all showed. The experience of these transfers was extraordinary and she knew the experience of the 500 other students was nothing compared to these veterans and despite the respect they showed her she was incredibly nervous for another reason.

The reason was Colonel Asha Tanva otherwise known as Fraulien Tiger a title given to her because of how similar she was to the legendary Frederick the great of Prussia in terms of tactics and command. 

Suzume was visibly sweating by now hoping her men would impress a woman she considered her idol. Fortunately Koume was there to reassure her. 

"Hey it's alright Suzume Despite her rank and title Colonel Asha is one of the nicest people you will meet you'll be fine she does not expect perfection and is very compassionate to her subordinates."

"Ok thank you Koume It's just she's my idol I mean look at her track record. She defeated 4'000 British troops in a grand encircling maneuver with only 1'300 men, She crushed A French armored spear head force with only 500 men and 4 artillery cannons and finally she is teh only person known for rivaling the bear of the east."

Bear of the east a name infamous with iron clad warfare a legend among the ranks of Russian schools everywhere said to be teh greatest army commander in Asia and the pacific his former rival the alpha of the west had retired however during a battle between Kuromorimine And the Moscow university army Asha had managed to delay the force under the command of the Bear while Maho lead a flanking maneuver that crushed his army. 

As a result Asha was awarded a title that day, Fraulien Tiger for her fierce defiance despite the storm of Russians that charged her lines. 

Eventually after another 20 minutes of waiting Asha showed up.

"Greetings soldiers of the Ooarai army group I am Colonel Asha Tanva former second in command of the Kuromorimine army group. I understand that for many of you this is a new experience but I Am confident that in a few days we can turn you all into great warriors. 

I don't expect perfection my soldiers only your dedication so can I count on you to stand by my side as we show our enemies the great spirt of Ooarai we all carry with us."

The men had begun to smile and many stood taller as her words inspired them many realizing she was not like other stuck up officers that sometimes came to Ooarai or hid behind the frontlines in mansions and cabins.

No she was a warrior a person who cared for them and they would do anything to please her and fight by her side.


AN: so from now on till I think of new quote sill be doing little bonus facts for my stories. 

Fact: The alpha of the west was a student form berlin university he and the bear of the East had fought countless times with neither gaining dominance over the other whenever they fought in battle.

Eventually he retired after he had won 5 tournaments in a row defeating the bear who vowed revenge but the Alpha soon retired so a battle could no longer be fought. 

the Title alpha of the west and Bear of the east has been passed down for a very long time with the original holders of the titles being The ancestors of the Nishizumi and Shmida families.

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