where it all started 😱

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  I sat at my usual spot in the social area while we waited for the bus. Looking around, the room was empty, not a single one of my friends in sight. There weren't many people there besides Wetty, Bendy, Drake, and Kanye.

  I began hoping someone I actually like would show up soon. I started feeling out of place and awkward. I started to bite on my fingernails to try and calm myself down, but it was useless.

  Other people finally started to arrive, filling up nearly every one of the tables. One of those many people was someone I wished wouldn't show up today. Fuck them.

  They sat on next to Wetty, who's eyes glistened and softened at the sight of them sitting next to her. Wetty pushed over a bit, trying to make more room. 
After Molester sat down, Wetty sneakily and successfully began to touch off of Molesters thigh with her own.. She's making a huge mistake.

Bendy pointed slightly near my direction with her crook finger, just barely missing me.

  I had to forcibly remove my gaze from them, as I began to feel like everyone was staring at me. Awkwardly fixing my short man hair, I worked my eyes to admire the beautifully crafted blank, empty table.

  How'd they find new friends so quickly? It took me two years to even get on normal terms.

  "Hi Erm!!"
Looking to my right, Starface made her presence to me known.. Sitting up a bit, I returned the greeting. We stared at each other for a second too long while she probably thought about what to say next.

  "Are you excited about Cuskinny??"
Starface looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

  "Yeah, it's going to be fun sharing rooms together with my.. friends."
That came out wrong..

  Starface didn't look off or annoyed at me. Instead, her eyes narrowed slightly. It was evident she was thinking of something. It looked like you could physically her thoughts. We continued small talk, and it felt like hell on earth.

  She sat down next to me, and then her best friend entered. They started talking, completely forgetting I was ever there. They yapped about the most random things.

  "Would you pass that to me?" Hearing the voice in my direction, I looked up a little too quick. Steve was there, pointing at her jacket.

  "Sorry, I left it yesterday by accident."
Steve faced me, looking slightly sheepish. I immediately noticed how her make up smudged. It was unusual since she always made sure she looked presentable..

  "Yep.." I reached for her jacket, having to  stand slightly. I took the jacket off of the hook, and turned to face Steve. Atleast, I think its Steve. She was looking around way too cautiously, fiddling with her earrings and fingers, not knowing what to do with her hands.

  I gave the jacket to her, and she muttered a quick thanks before returning to her seat. I could think about what's wrong with her, but there's already way too many things wrong with her.

  The teachers finally showed up to let us know that the bus had arrived, and we all rushed out of the social area. I found a seat behind Drake and Kanye, which was left open.

  The bus quickly began to fill, and there was one person.. oh brrrother

  Molester was the last one remaining. The teacher pointed out my empty space, and began to make their way down.

Their eyebrows was knitted together, making wrinkles on their forehead. Their expression was distraught, like someone had cut off the thighs of everyone in the world.

  Shoving into the seat, they immediately put on theyre headphones and slipped them onto their fat head. The song was playing so loud I could hear it.

About 10 long and tormented minutes had passed. Kanye and Drake were playing heads up..

Drake turned to me and Molester, offering her phone. I took it, and placed the phone on my forehead. Perfect bonding opportunity.

They began to describe as many animals as they could, and the game effectively made time move faster. Kanye had just finished her round, and it was my turn again.

Putting the phone back on my forehead, I slightly turned to the group. Kanye turned the phone with her fingers, and our hands a lingered touching off of eachother.

I slowly brought my eyes up to look at Kanyes. I was unable to look away.. the game went on. Everyone had to try pretend not to notice, but I didn't care. I occasionally looked at the others when they gave their answers, but my eyes mostly stayed glued onto Kanye.

My round was over, and Kanye tried to jerk her hand back from mine.. but time slowed down, and I grabbed her hand. I'm feeling romantical.

The bus came to a stop. The game had ended. I came back to the realisation of what was going on. I looked over at Molester, who was sound asleep. how can she sleep with me around?? I could suffocate her here

We all began clamouring out of the cramped bus.

It's good to live expensiveee you know it but my knees get WEAK INTENSIVEEE when you give me GOOD KISSESS
Ty for reading

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