suspicions 🥶

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  The teachers guided us to the seating area. Mr Long Back began to give us a quick rundown on what will happen.

  "We'll be staying here for about a week. It could be more depending on what will happen in the future.. Im sure you're all curious about why we're even here, but that'll reveal itself. Pay attention to the news."

  That's a bit strange. Im sure it's nothing..

  "You all should've handed in who you'll be staying with for the meantime. If you want to change rooms, you'll have to go to Ms Walrus.."
Mr L Back paused before looking at the teachers. "Wait here."

  People continued to talk. I looked over, seeing Molester talking to her new friends.. I bet they have nothing to talk about anyway.

  I looked around a little to see who I liked and who I could maybe talk to. Starface and elbow nubbler are the first ones I saw. I immediately began to go over to them.

  "Hey," i intentionally made my voice deeper so elbow nubbler would think it's hot.


I did not succeed

  "Er.. so.. what do you think about this trip thing?" I asked no one in particular, hoping to make some sort of conversations.

  "I think it's kind of weird. Like, a random trip that we didn't even have to pay for? Only two days of notice? And the fact we had to pack as much as we could as well.." Starface began to ramble.

  "It's just so far put from the main cities, and it's on a kind of secluded island as well. Don't you think it's weird?"

  Elbow nudged Starface in the shoulder with her own and slowly brought her arms up, wrapping them around Starfaces neck, pulling her closer.

  "I think you're overthinking everything. It could just be a last minute trip because they've finally gathered all the resources for a trip that will cost the students nothing and wanted to surprise us. "
  Elbow rested her head on Starfaces shoulder as she spoke.

  Is she trying to make me jealous or something?? It's working.

  "Elbows right, Starface." I stepped closer, hoping to exaggerate my point.    
  "What the fuck could possibly happen  here? It's boring, if I'm being honest. I bet it's just something small if anything is going on in the cities."

  Starface looked down, weighing out her options. Once she felt satisfied with her decision, she looked me in the eyes.

  "Thanks.. maybe I am overthinking. I'll repay you both somehow!"
  Starface took both my hands and gently  laid them onto mine.

  "Alright, everyone can go inside now"
Mr L Back yelled over the crowd, discretely looking over at the other teachers.

  I started to make my way to my room, trying to push through everyone else. Looking at all the door numbers, I finally made it to my own - 18.

  I opened the door the second I saw my room, not even thinking about if someone would be in there..oh

  I completely forgot just who I would be staying with.
  Starface, bellie, and Molester were staring at me. This is gonna be so fucking awkward

  "Hi!" Bellie walked up and greeted me warmly at the door. Why does greeted look so wrong

  "Hi, Bellie!" Bellie gave me a hug. Heh..I haven't had one of those in years.

  I hugged her back, while looking at Molester. She held her head down while she scrolled on her phone.

  Bellie let go, and she showed me my bed. "You can have the bed below me, since.."

  Starface gestured to her bed, "Molester will be below me. Is this ok for you??

  I quickly nodded as to not make a big deal out of it. I began take everything out of my bag and set everything up.

  "It's getting kind of late since the journey to this place took a while. I think im going to sleep now.."
  Molester brought her head up from her phone, speaking to Bellie and Starface.

  I switched on my phone to check the time. 8:57.. who sleeps this early?

  "Alright. We'll try to keep quiet so you can rest" Starface dragged Bellie over towards her bed.

  Molester got into her own bed and settled down.

  I don't want to be here while she sleeps. Its weird.

  "I'm going to go explore" I said before quickly exiting the room before I could get a reply.

  I began to get lost in thought as I walked around the outside. What if Starface was right? What if something really was going on in the city? My family and my cats are there.

  What could it even be and how bad is it if we got sent to the country.. this is very suspicious. I might as well make my way back to my room to ask Starface of her thoughts.

  Walking down the long corridor, I could hear music playing, people laughing and talking. Room 15 had to be one of the loudest.

  Peeking in, I saw Wetty and Kanye dancing.. I looked up to see Crook finger and Drake. They were recording Wetty and Kanye.

  Kanye left the dance, and Wetty began to dance by herself. She made some wild movements, and I had to fight my own urge to record.

  Crook turned her head towards the door. I quickly closed it before she could see me..

  "I saw you.." shit
I opened the door fully to reveal myself. "Hey guys.. sorry, I.. was just wondering what the commotion was.."

It got silent for a while before I began to close the door.


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