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This is a weird one
Kanyes a real mc in this

   I felt something cold on my calf. Turning around, I saw Kanyes foot. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw Kanyes outline.

  "Where the fuck did you come from?????" I whispered, my hot fishy breath filling up the covers.

  "YUCK." Kanye immediately got out from hiding, and just her luck, Science came into our room.

  "Did you knock on our door...?" Science questioned, leaning against the doorframe and crossing her arms.

  "Uhh." Kanye looked at me, our eyes meeting while I tried to hold up a piece of the blanket so I could see the scene..

  "No, it was her!!!!!" Kanye pointed at me, taking the blanket off and revelling my hiding spot.
   "Why are you even in here? This isn't your room, Erm.." Kanye interrogated me while standing my sciences side.

  I can't believe this. SNITCHES GET STITCHES

  "You dared me to do it!" I defended myself against the snitch. Science looked in Kanyes directing, slightly rising her eyebrow, and the corner of her mouth curved upwards.

  "Science what's taking so long??" Bomboclatt exclaimed, making her way over here as well..

  Crook finger revealed herself, looking extremely excited..

  "What's up with you?" Bomboclatt questioned, pointed at Crook finger. "Ams wif get your black ass in here you dirty **** ****** ************ ****** ** ********** *******" Bomboclatt started verbally abusing ams wif.

  Wif came into the room as well, looking around for the love of her life, Drake. Crook finger dragged Drake from her hiding place as she began to explain what she looked excited about.. 

  "I think Wetty is asleep.."
Crook gave a look to everyone in the sqaud.

  "What's so special about that??" I asked, looking at the squad.

  "She sleeps like a freak,"
The second Drake finished her sentence, she took the covers off of Wetty, revelling her sleeping position.

  Wettys phone was nowhere to be seen, but the vibrations were loud and clear above all the muffled giggles..

   "Where the fuck is her phone.. I can her her notifications going off." I looked her up and down, only noting her headphones and the way she slept like she was dead.

  "Up her pussy" Kanye said. I'm severely traumatised and grief stricken.

  "WHAT THE FUCK" Ams wif immediately went to check. To confirm. Obviously. She tried to take it out, and struggled multiple times.

   "It's literally stuck. It's so far in..and.." Ams wif stopped and slowly turned around.

   "And what??" Crook questioned..
"And its fully on. FULLY ON. The vibrations are so strong it's rearranged my organ stutrucre. I have no lungs."

  "Should we just..leave her be?? Maybe that helps her sleep" Kanye suggested, while walking up to see what she was listening to.

"...what is it" Crook asked, while Kanye put the headphones back on Wettys fat head.

  "It's an asmr of a voice on repeat."
"Who's voice.." I asked, scared for the outcome.

  "Yours" Kanye looked directly in my eyes, with a look of uncertainty.

  "What is GOING ON" Crook hollered, falling down onto her knees and began to pray for today.

  Why the fuck is she listening to my voice and why does she also have her phone vibrations on MAX???

  I took a moment to collect my thoughts before going up to Wetty, and listening to exactly what she is.

  "What the fuck is wrong with her.."
I took a step back, bumping into Science who was silent the whole time..

  "I'm gonna go back to my room.."
I immediately left before anyone else could say anything, hoping I didn't hear anything else.

I feel like switching povs so it's no ones rn bc I can't decide who's 😕

  It took a while before everyone got back into normal spirits after the whole Wetty being wet for Erm. Crook got up off of the floor from praying, turning to Kanye.

  "How the fuck can we face her tomorrow? I'm never going to be the same after this."

  Ams Wif interrupted, "What was she even listening to? Why was it so bad that Erm left the room.." she asked to no one in particular, hesitant herself to go and listen to the audio.

  "I don't think we should listen to it.. Erm couldn't even listen to it for more than five seconds before storming out.   She obviously doesn't want us to listen.."  
  Kanye spoke, walking over to her bed.

  "I guess so, but Wetty must be a real freaky freak if it's that bad. Weird ass **** ********** ***** **" Bomboclatt jumped at the chance to insult everyone at any moment.

  "Okay..well I guess we should leave." Science spoke first for the trio, and they instantly began to make their way out of the room, saying quick goodbyes.
  " that happened! 👆👍🫵" Drake said, doing an amazing job at lightening the mood. She's so cool.

  "Seriously.. I need to know what the fuck Wettys listening to." Crook made her way over, placing the headphones on her head.

"I get it now"

bored of this shit bye find out the chapter name in the next chapter!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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