room 15

8 0 12

  "Wait.." Kanye called out to me from across the room. "Do you want to join us? We're playing a game."

Whyre they about to rape me..

  "Um.. sure, I have nothing else to do,"
I walked over awkwardly, sitting on the floor by the closet.

  "We're playing who's most likey to!" Wetty said excitedly, climbing up the ladder to Drakes bunk.

  Wetty began to bring up questions on her phone while we all waited in awkward silence.

  "Okay.. who's most likely to become famous in the next three years?" Wetty spoke quickly and way too quietly.

  "What?????" Drake dared to say, even knowing the possible dire consequences..

  "Who's most likely to became famous in the next three years," Wetty repeated, only this time slightly turning in Drakes direction.

  "Say it again??"

  "WHOS MOST LIKELY TO BECAME FAMOUS IN THE NEXT THREE FUCKING YEARS"  Wetty violently slammed the bed frame, fully turning around and shaking her fists in Drakes direction, making her point loud and clear.

  "DID YOU HEAR IT THIS TIME?" Wetty said, and finished her sentence with a distinc war cry as her throat nearly set ablaze by the sheer force of her strong words in order to get her point across.

  Drake, being the sigma, slammed the bed frame in response with a simple yes.. everyone then began to point figures at who they think would become famous.

  "Let's move on..." Crook finger suggested and picked out her own question.  "Who's most likely to never get married?"

  Everyone pointed at me then.. do they have something against me?

  "Oh! Why me?"

  It was then silent for the lomgest five fucking seconds ever. Until Kanye spoke up..

  "I just.. feel like you wouldn't settle down for someone?"

"I see.."

  It went silent again..

  I gotta think up something to say and quick..

  "So..does anyone know any other languages?"

  "I can hold a very stable conversation in french" Drake said..

  "Lets hear it then" Crook finger sat up to get a better view.

  "I'll teach you an amazing pick up line." Drake picked up her phone and began to dial a number.. sneaking a look, I saw the name Ams Wif.

  "Bonjour mon about you baguette in my bed and I show you my oui oui"

   'Ams Wif' gasped from the other end of the line. "I will drop everything to see your oui oui mon chatte"

  "And that is how you bag a babe. Im a beast in the sheets." Drake hung up with a smug smile on her face.

I gotta write that one down. That is a 20/10 pickup line.

  "Let's play another game, guys" Crook suggested.

   "How about truth or dare?" Everyonr nodded I agreement, and Wetty took out her phone again to find some questions.

  "Okay, Erm. Truth or dare?"

  "Uh.. dare" I gotta make myself liked around here.

  "I dare you to go knock on tbe door across the hall and get back here before they answer."

  Great. I gave them a puzzling look before dragging myself up off of the floor.. I made my may to the door in dread. Who is even next door?

  I opened the door slowly, and walked to the other one. I brought my hand up and knocked three times.

  I instsntly ran back to the room and tried to shut the door as quietly as possible..

  Everyone was laughing as I tried to hide under the bed.. I gave up.

   "Shut the fuck up we're gonna get caught" I whispered as I got under the coveres of Kanyes bed to hide.. until I felt something.

I feel like ending this early lol

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