chapter 7//**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

434 9 13

"i took the high road, do it through every word

is it still that special if the whole world has owned?"

sunshine (ft. fousheé)

-steve lacy

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check out the playlist plz!!! i'll be adding the song for the next chapter to the playlist when i post the current current. 

(ex. i'm posting chapter 7 today and i'm adding the song for chapter 8 on the playlist today. on saturday, i'll post chapter 8 and add the song for chapter 9 on the playlist. make sense lol?)

.·:*¨¨* y/n's pov *¨¨*:·.

theo is still shell shocked still and i nod, turning to leave. "y-yeah, see you y/n" he says and i wave bye before running down the hallway to reach miles.

i feel a little bit of guilt for leaving theo like that, if i'm being honest with myself. but, i have got to catch up to miles. what started as a hallway crush is quickly turning into an obsession with where this boy disappears to.

i finally reach miles, he's speedwalking way too fast. i rush to his side but i trip over- his shoelace? 

it's undone and i step on is, causing him to stop, his arm hitting me and i fall back from the impact. damn, he's strong.

but instead of hitting the ground yet again, miles moves his hand to my back, catching me. i turn to him, flustered and completely shocked from the event.

my eyes are wide, just like his. we seem to both be surprised. "uh-" is all i can say before miles starts apologizing over and over.

"oh my god, i- i'm so sorry, i-" miles laughs nervously, shifting on his feet. "i didn't mean to trip you like that, i- yeah, i'm so sorry." 

i smile, his apologetic behaviour is so cute and i brush it off with my hand. "it's all good, miles." i say and the boy seems to glow at me saying his name.

i make a mental note of this, grinning as he holds his arms out, motioning to the dorms. "well, i gotta go..." miles says and his tone betrays his words.

i nod and i'm only now taking in his appearance. he's a little sweaty and dishevelled, he has hat hair but... no hat. 

i open my mouth to ask him about where he was. or even any question at all, about him, his disappearances. but before i can, his phone starts ringing and he frantically picks it up.

i glance at his phone and it's ganke, miles' roomie. miles answers and turns to me. i can hear ganke's muffled voice speaking and miles motions to me.

he's so expressive and i can't help but smile to myself as he motions to the phone, rolling his eyes and pointing towards his dorm.

i grin and nod towards his dorm, letting him know it's all good for him to leave. miles' face shows relief and he waves bye before leaving. 

i wave back and i'm left with a strange sense of deja vu. 

the guilt from the situation with theo hits again and i groan to myself, turning to make the walk to my dorm.

it's been an insane day to be honest, and i'm exhausted. what i need is a good night's sleep. i enter my dorm, instantly falling onto my bed.

i then remember i haven't even had supper yet. i reach for my phone, and i spot two notifications.

the first one is from charlie. she's texting to inform me that her tutoring session is going a little late and she won't be coming to the dorm before supper.

i smile and respond, i know me and char are very close for roommates. updates like these aren't common for other people.

the other notification is from- miles! in the craziness of today, i forgot i had texted him. it reads:


miles <3:

hey!!! just wanted to apologize again for the mix-up and tripping u :(

u catching supper at the caf??


i smile to myself, mind racing on how to answer. there's so much i could say, but what to say? does his question mean he wants to see me at supper? do- 

i pause, and stop my mind from racing or spiralling. miles morales texted me. and a simple task, answer back.

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link to the playlist is in the external link button below here!!!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

sunshine on me//a miles morales x readerWhere stories live. Discover now