Chapter 20: Dead Revenge

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The tips of my fingers glide down the crook of my neck, tracing where his lips once were, almost as if I am trying to find that sensation again. The feeling of fire bubbling deep in the pit of my stomach as he kissed me.

I smile, wanting to go back to that – wanting to feel and experience every minute of that moment. Of wanting to pull him closer and closer as his skin seared my own. Of wanting to dive deeper into that bliss, allowing myself to let go. Of wanting to just have him right here, breathing against me as his body trembles and twitches.

My fingers stop, hovering over the tiny bruise that is starting to take shape. It is faint and small, like a purplish-tinted stain on my skin, no bigger than the tip of my pinky. It isn't even tender or sore, but it is there nonetheless. A reminder of what we had done.

But I doubt anyone will notice it, and so, I drop my hand and turn away from my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Outside, it is already dark, the stars speckled across the black sky like tiny dots. In our room, a blue darkness has already laid itself across the walls and floor and everything in between. And tucked away in her bed, already fast asleep as gentle snores roll through her lips steadily is Meryl.

I smile and turn to the window, tiptoeing to it.

My mind is well and awake, scurrying with the events from earlier playing out, and I can't help but wonder when was the last time I was intimate with a man. Well, maybe intimate isn't the right word.

Intimacy would imply there is a sense of an emotional connection. Maybe not love per se, but at least something. And as I look at my trail of previous lovers, I wouldn't call any of that intimate. Even calling them lovers seems wrong. But the last one...he was about eight months ago.

Has it been that long? No wonder my body reacted the way it did. It was starving and thirsting for male attention and I hadn't even noticed it. Not until my eyes locked with his.

A lump takes shape in my throat.

Who am I kidding? Earlier, with Vash... That wasn't at all like any of the times before. The way he touched me and made me feel. The way he kissed and held me. The way his eyes peered into mine.

I shiver as another wave of fire fills my stomach. I don't know what that was, but it was something unlike anything else I've experienced. It was intense and overwhelming. It was gentle and catering. It was hot and searing, and it rattled me, taking my breath away.

I suck in my bottom lip and chew it, allowing my eyes to fall. Below, I can see the patio we frequent. The tables and chairs are as they have been, nestled in their spots as the umbrellas in the middle of the tables stand tall, closed. And then I see him.


He is standing, leaning against the railing, looking out over the street it seems, and at his side, Nicholas.

I can't tell much – their backs are to me – but I can easily guess that they are talking. The way they shift and move tells me that much. But about what? Or, knowing Nicholas, do I really want an answer? Probably not.

Still, I stand, watching as the milky glow of the moons washes over him. In the pale light, his hair looks so much lighter and his skin even more like ivory. Fair and beautiful.

My heart sputters and I turn.

No. No, I can't get attached. Firstly, he's a wanted man. If I was to allow myself to develop feelings for him and something – God forbid – happened to him, then I'd be crushed. Devastated, even. And beyond that, I still have my objective.

Millions Knives.

He killed my family, and he will pay for that. What he did to them...what he did to us. He will answer for his crime, and then he will suffer the consequences. There will be no justice until that day comes.

I squeeze my eyes closed, the last thing Jonas had said to me five years ago suddenly playing in my head.

"Revenge won't bring them back, Kanyon."

Maybe not, but it will bring me some sense of comfort knowing he can't hurt anyone else. Not ever again.

**Bello lovelies! Bit of a filler chapter that kinda...just went? I don't know. I was super busy today with cleaning and laundry, so my brain is still trying to regather itself. But yeah. It seems Kanyon is feeling some kinda way after the smexy scene with Vash. Can ya blame her? It's Vash! But she is completely unaware about what Vash and Wolfie were talking about. If she heard, do you think she'd clear things up? Is there anything to clear up? Guess we'll have to wait to find out. Well, that'll do for today. As always, thank y'all so, so much for the love and support! Y'all are coolio! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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