Chapter 19: Runner

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My skin burns, feeling like fire dancing across it as the breeze blows. Overhead, the moons are strung high as their milky glow cuts through the darkness. Street posts stand tall, pooling light on the dusty pavement as vehicles and motorbikes drive by, growling.

In my chest, my heart beats heavily but steadily, but in my head, my thoughts are loud and reckless. Each nagging and I am trapped. I cannot escape.

"Figures. Of course, I'd find you out here. Though, I guess I'm not too surprised."

I turn, watching as Wolfwood walks towards me, the soles of his feet dragging with each stride. His hands are casually shoved in his pockets, and his expression is flat. A broken cigarette rests between his lips, unlit.

He reaches where I am and rests his arms on the railing, then brings his dark eyes to mine, asking, "So, wanna talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" I try to laugh, but it comes out weak and flimsy.

He just shrugs. "About whatever it is that has you in a slump now. What is it, anyway? Did Shortie get the wrong donut order, or did you get in a fight with Grandpa?"

My fingers glide along the metal of the railing. It is smooth and still warm from the day, and it reminds me of how my own skin is still burning. I swallow.

"No, it's nothing like that."

He observes me. "Okay. So, then what is it?"

I don't think I can tell him. I don't think I know how. And to be honest, I'm not even sure about any of it myself.

"It's...nothing. Really, don't worry about it."

His eyes are trained on me, searching – I know they are – but before long, he just turns to the sky, sighing, "Whatever. I'm not about to play detective and start searching for cryptic answers." Another breeze blows as the wings of a fluttering worm can be heard in the distance. We stand in this silence for a single moment when he continues, "Ya know, I gotta say, I'm actually kind of surprised."

I turn, knitting my brows. "Surprised? About what?"

A devious and sly smirk quirks his lips as he glimpses at me. "That you actually had it in ya. I mean, you and Gimpy? Who would've guessed?"

A new wave of heat falls over my cheeks and ears, burning as my blood runs cold, and my heart skips a beat. I turn, wholly facing him as my voice wavers in my throat.

"W-what? Really? That's what you want to bring up right now?" Eventually, I get ahold of myself and find my confidence, steadying my tone. "And...please, stop calling her that. You know her name."

The smile on his lips only broadens. "What? I genuinely didn't know you could do that, let alone that you knew how. I mean, you're a plant. Do plants even have sex?"

I suck my lips in and turn away. "Why are you so fixated on this?"

"Um, because I walked in on something I clearly wasn't supposed to see." He leans on the railing, resting his chin on the heel of his hand. "And not to mention the death stares I was getting at dinner."

"No one was giving you death stares."

"You clearly didn't see yourself then." He looks at me through the corner of his eyes, then sighs, "Calm down, Needle-noggin. Look, I'm not gonna run around telling Shortie and Grandpa what I saw. I won't tell a soul." He once again straightens his posture, returning his gaze to the moons. "That said, I am genuinely intrigued. I'm not kidding when I said I didn't know you could do that."

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