Chapter 9: Truces and Storms

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"You're kidding me," I snap, glaring at Vash. "It's going to take that long?"

All eyes are on me. Meryl and Roberto watch, each chewing their food as Nicholas takes a swig of his water. None of the three speak, instead glancing at Vash, who finishes chewing his food before replying.

"I thought you already knew that." His eyes bore into mine through the orange-tinted glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. "That's why I didn't say anything."

"No!" I move too much, causing a sharp pain to pull at my ribs. I wince, settling back down as I look at him. "I've never had broken ribs before. They take that long to heal?"

A soft smile bows his lips. "Yeah. It's not fun, but it's better that we wait the full length of time before setting out again. Sorry. I really thought you knew."

I don't say anything. I just avert my eyes, chewing on my lower lip. Dammit. Dammit all to hell! I was so close. I was right there on his heel, so close to finding him. So close to getting my answers and revenge, but now...

Now, I have to stay held up in this fucking hotel for at least a month before I can travel. And why? Because of a few broken ribs?

I wince, moving too much in one direction, only pissing me off more. This sucks and is irritating as hell. While I'm sitting here, recouping, how far is he getting? What is he plotting? What other family is he tearing apart now? While I'm lying in this hotel, what is Millions Knives doing?

"I think it's the best call," Meryl says, grasping my attention. I meet her dark eyes. "Vash is right. Traveling in your condition is a bad move. With the terrain and the jeep's suspension, you're only asking to further the damage by heading out anytime soon. All the driving yesterday was already risky enough." She leans close, knitting her brows. "That business in July... You won't get in trouble if it waits, will you?"

I'm frustrated and irritated, but it's not their fault and no reason to lash out at her. And technically, no reason to lash out at Vash, either. I was the one who agreed to wait it out when he mentioned it last night. I didn't realize I'd be waiting it out for a month, but I still agreed.

I sigh, "No, I won't. It'll be fine. I was just...I was just hoping to get there as soon as possible."

"We were too," Nicholas says, his tone flat. "You couldn't have just broken your arm?" He leans back in his seat casually, looking at me over the rim of his sunglasses. "But since we're already on the subject, what kind of business do you have in July, anyway?"

He is staring at me, waiting and surveying. A complete transformation from last night when he spoke with me. Then again, maybe last night was just him gauging me and what I'm capable of. I guess being perceptive has him on alert, but even so, I can't just tell him what I plan to do in July.

Most people don't even know that Millions Knives exists, let alone are aware of his capabilities. And to mention that would be unwise. After all, it could create a panic, or lead them to believe I'm crazy. And sure, I don't usually care what people think of me, but with them being my ticket to July, I can't risk it. Not when I'm this close and far all at once.

I cross my arms over my chest, being sure to be careful of my ribs, lifting a brow. "Sorry. I'm not liberated to reveal that information."

He smirks, "A secret? Sounds sketchy to me."

"Tell me your business, then," I say. "I understand Vash has a brother there, but aside from that, why would the Stampede be heading there? Given the bounty and reputation, it can't be anything good."

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