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Everyone watched Dabi sit down in the chair, surprised that he wasn't fighting back. Idiots. He would be fighting back if he wasn't extremely drained from using his quirk for so long, it takes a lot of energy.

Tsukauchi cleared his throat before talking, "Well Dabi I assume that you know why you're here. We just need some more information about you. My quirk can tell when someones lying, so please tell the truth"

Dabi stayed silent, as he was silently freaking out. How is he going to get out of this one? He can't tell the truth, but he can't lie either. He hopes the league will find him soon. Once they realise Dabi didn't come back to the base tonight, they will surely find him, right?

"So first question, what is your real name?" Tsukauchi thought it was quite odd to see the villain so quiet. From what Endeavor has told him, he quite likes to blather on, so why is he being so quiet?

Dabi was silently having a panic attack, well, as silently as he could. His breathing accelerated and blood was threatening to come out of his eyes. Dabi decided to just try and stall for time until they give up, it probably wouldn't work, but what other choice does he have?!

"Dabi" He said

"I know that's a lie, just tell me your real name" Tsukauchi replied

"Ever thought I wouldn't want to tell my real name? It's secret for a reason"

"Just tell us your real name goddammit!" Endeavor yelled. Of course, all this time Dabi was gone and he still hasn't changed. Even after he killed Toya Todoroki. Why wasn't he surprised?

"Let's just move on, it's obvious he won't tell us" Hawks said

"Alright, how old are you? We have guesses that you're late twenties early thirties" Tsukauchi asked

Dabi burst out laughing, "Early thirties?! These scars must make me look old"

"Well, would you like to tell us your age then?" Tsukauchi asked yet again

Dabi sat quietly, should he tell them his age? It doesn't really reveal who he is right? He bets Endeavor doesn't even remember his birthday, yet alone how old he'd be if he was still at home.



"I said I'm 24"

"Is he telling the truth?" Eraserhead asked

"Yes," Tsukauchi replied, shocked. Everyone except Dabi shared a shocked expression, while Dabi smirked.

"You're that young and one of the most wanted villain's in Japan?" Hawks asked amazed

"Yep, I'm not even one of the youngest in the league either" Dabi replied, proud he could still shock the heroes even in his condition. This was good, he was distracting them with his age, so they wouldn't think about his name.

"Next question, are you related to a hero in any way?" Ah shoot. Why did Tsukauchi have to ask that? He can't say anything or they could figure out he's related to the number 1 hero.

"You know to answer the question you have to speak right?" Eraserhead said

Dabi glared at him, "I know that dumbass"

"Maybe he doesn't want to tell because he is related to a hero" How many times is Hawks going to be right?!

"You could be right Hawks, but we won't know unless he says something" Tsukauchi said

"That's a shame, because I'm not saying anything" Dabi said

"Last question for now, why did you become a villain?" Tsukauchi asked. He was genuinely curious how someone so young could become a villain.

Dabi wasn't surprised they asked this, but that didn't mean he was going to tell them the truth. He was starting to calm down after his panic attack, especially when he got out of telling his real name. He decided to lie, since it wasn't a yes or no question, they wouldn't get the truth from his lie.

"Why not?" Dabi simply said with a smirk on his face

This seemed to piss Endeavor off, he didn't like how annoying Dabi was being. What could be so important about his identity that he would keep it a secret?

'Is Dabi trying to hide his sad emotions?' Eraserhead thought. It confused him as to why he could be doing that. All the times Aizawa had witnessed Dabi he seemed to be very cocky and annoyed, then earlier it almost seemed like he was having a panic attack, then he's laughing, and now he's back to how he usually was. He was definitely trying to hide the fact he can have other emotions like happiness or sadness, but why? It almost reminded him of a student of his...

"Answer the question properly!" Endeavor yelled

"I did, who wouldn't want to let loose and cause pain and harm?" Dabi asked

"Any sane person" Hawks replied

"You're lying about that, that's not the real reason on why you wanted to become a villain" Tsukauchi said

Dabi didn't say anything after that. It was starting to get late, the sunset that previously painted the sky started turning into a midnight colour. The pro heroes decided to call it a day, as they knew Dabi wouldn't say anything else. They were currently discussing who would take Dabi to the nearby prison for the night. Eventually, Eraserhead was volunteered very kindly by Hawks. The other pro heroes exited the room.

"C'mon, I have to take you to the prison. Don't test me, I just want to go home and sleep" Aizawa wasn't going to take any resistance from Dabi tonight. Luckily, Dabi was also extremely tired and didn't feel like fighting. He got up from the chair and followed Aizawa out of the police station.

The sky was fully pitch black now. Dabi walked towards the car that was going to take him to prison. What is he doing?! He should be fighting back somehow. He doesn't want to go to prison, he just wants to go back to the league. But he was so tired. He was tired of trying to act like he's strong in front of everyone. He knows he's weak. Endeavor stopped training him for a reason. He doesn't want to be weak, but he was literally born with a weak body. He's weak emotionally too. He was such a cry baby before his tear ducts were burnt shut, now he just cries blood. Which is extremely annoying. Should he just go to prison? Or should he go down with a fight? He has no idea.

Aizawa watched Dabi stop walking, "I said I didn't want any resistance tonight Dabi" He called out, but something seemed off about Dabi. His eyes weren't focused on anything, and he was shaking slightly. Aizawa could also see blood in his eyes, threatening to come out. Does he not cry tears? What the hell happened?

Dabi eventually snaps out of his overthinking again and realises he's crying. Shoot.

"Do you need a tissue? That's a lot of blood, why is blood coming out of your eyes anyways?" As much as Aizawa wanted to sleep, he was now slightly concerned for the villain.

"Yeah" Was all Dabi said. Aizawa fished out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to Dabi. They both walked into the car, Aizawa in the driver's seat and Dabi in the passenger.

The car ride was fairly quiet, except Aizawa asking why Dabi was crying blood, but Dabi wouldn't answer.

They eventually arrived at the nearby prison where Dabi would be staying temporarily. Dabi and Aizawa stepped out of the car and Dabi followed Aizawa into the prison. Aizawa talked to a prison guard and explained the situation, and he led Dabi to his cell for the night. Dabi sat down on the stiff bed.

"I have to take you back to the police station tomorrow, as we have to continue the interrogation" Aizawa stated

Dabi widened his eyes. Why haven't they given up yet!? It was obvious he wasn't going to say his name. Dabi sighed, he'd let his emotions through too much today, so he wasn't about to let the heroes think he was scared.

"Whatever," Dabi replied. Aizawa left the room, and Dabi layed down on his bed. This was going to be a long night...

Sorry for not updating for months! Life got really busy but im trying to work on this fanfic the best i can! Please be patient :D 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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