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Jack has 100 career goals now and he got a hattrick couple games ago wooooo! Anyway 8 more chapters! Hope ya enjoy

"Kansas city! it has been such a good night I hope you're loving it! I know speak now Taylor's version was just released last night but I wanted to do a cover of timeless" I say grabbing my guitar. The crowd goes absolutely nuts.

I smile looking around arrowhead stadium before I start singing my favourite speak now (Taylor's version) vault track. I catch Jack recording and he has a cheesie grin on his face.

Towards the end of my set I start to feel nauseous so I push the feeling down and finish it while trying to act like I dont want to empty my stomach out. I wave goodbye to the fans before speeding to the dressing room bathroom and throwing up.

Lucky for me nobody else was in there so I'm alone for just a few minutes when jordyn, cari and jack come in. "Woah liv you okay?" Cari asks concerned. I nod and wipe my face "y-yeah just pregnant with triplets" I answer.

Her eyes widen and she looks at jordyn who is smiling "you knew?" She asks. Jordyn nods "duh" she says. "You two are the only ones beside tony and taylor that know" I tell cari. "Noted, how far along?" She asks.

"8 weeks" I answer. "That's crazy" she says. We talk while I change then we're in the crowd with everyone else. Kansas city nights 1 and 2 go by and now we're back in new Jersey.

It is now monday and jack and I are sneakily going to an ultra sound appointment. This is the first one since I've been too scared or busy to get one done.

My leg starts nervously shaking and jack rests his hand on my knee to calm me down. "Its ok" he whispers. "I know I know I'm just scared something could be wrong with one of the triplets" I whisper back.

He shakes his head "nothing is wrong with any of them they're perfect just like you okay" he says. I nod and start breathing in and out. Then we're called to the room. Jack stays near my head and the doctor checks me out.

She smiles "all three of them are doing good" she says looking at each of them. "Good, how long until we can find out what we're having?" I ask. "When you are 4 months" she answers. "Great" I reply.

Once the appointment is done we get food from chipotle and we eat as soon as we're at Jack's. We continue watching our show while we eat. Once we're done I sit back feeling extremely full but not completely satisfied.

"I got you a pint of ben and Jerry's when you were sleeping" jack says taking the garbage to the kitchen and grabbing the ice cream and a spoon for me. "You're the best! If we have any boys they're gonna see how much you love me" I tell him.

Jack smiles "I hope we do have at least 1 boy" he says. "Me tooo" I smile. He sits beside me with his hand resting on my stomach and im sitting back eating the delicious ice cream.

The last few weeks of the eras tour slowly go by. Jack being there for every single show, a ton of covers were sang and now its August. I am now 13 weeks along.

Nobody has seemed to figure out that I am, I've been wearing baggy clothes and I've been able to hide the bump while on stage and I've had a ton of fun. Tonight is the last night on the tour and in just a couple days we're telling ellen, jim, Luke, quinn, lilly and sophie that I'm pregnant.

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