Chapter 13

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"What did you guys do?"

(M/N) and Keigo turned to see Nemuri, Denki and Kyoka standing behind them, taking in the wreckage that was once an open field with a lake, which was now just a gaping hole in the ground.

"What we came here to do," Keigo shrugged absent mindedly.

"And that was starting a massive excavation?" Nemuri said in disbelief.

"Collateral damage," (M/N) said. "Where were you guys? We had to do it all ourselves."

"I was at the festival. Next thing I know there are giant explosions coming from out in the dark," Nemuri said.

"I was looking forward to kicking some void ass," Denki whined.

"Your fault for missing it," (M/N) laughed.

"What's all this black goo?" Kyoka asked, crouching down in front of a puddle of the stuff.

(M/N) and Keigo explained everything. How the void creatures were acting strange, the destruction, and the creature (M/N) saw beside the lake.

"I've never heard anything like that before..." Nemuri said.

"Well, we can focus on that later," (M/N) said, turning his attention back to the Celestial Rhythm. "For now I want to watch this."

No one argued with him and they joined the two on the snowy ground to watch the beautiful phenomenon.

They left shortly after, which (M/N) was reluctant to do. The planet was so beautiful, it would be a shame to go back. But all good things come to an end eventually.


(M/N) sighed and leaned back in his chair, looking at the time on his laptop. Class was nearly over, and thankfully, he had lunch next. He leaned back over his chair at Kyoka and Nemuri, who were sitting behind him.

"Didn't Keigo say he wanted to talk to us at lunch?" (M/N) asked.

"I think so, don't know what about, though," Kyoka responded.

"I have a feeling it's about what we saw on Crystalis," (M/N) said.

"You mean that weird 'checkerboard' monster you saw? The one you think was controlling the void creatures?" Nemuri said.

(M/N) nodded. "Yeah. There was something off about that thing, not including its appearance."

Kyoka's phone went off and she sighed loudly after checking the screen. "Guess Keigo's talk will have to wait. Denki got detention... again."

"Seriously? What did he do this time?" (M/N) asked.

"Fell asleep in Ms. Irelia's class... multiple times," Kyoka said.

"Ms. Irelia gave him detention? She's always so nice, though," Nemuri said, resting her chin on her fist.

"I guess even she got fed up with him," (M/N) laughed. It was a strange parallel in his life. One day he would be fighting off creatures of darkness far off in the reaches of space, and then the next he was typing out an essay in class, waiting for the bell to ring so he could leave.

Not long after, the bell did ring and (M/N) and the others were up and out the door, heading off to their lockers.


(M/N) looked behind him to see Keigo jogging up to meet him.

"Can we meet at our usual spot outside? Got to talk to the group," Keigo said.

𝔹𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 | Keigo Takami x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now