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The stunning CEO of Park enterprises, one of the biggest  company of South korea, she stands up and shakes the hand of her new client.

"We are really happy That this deal goes to our company." Having a sweet smile on her face, she expresses

"Same goes to us, Park Jisoo." The client speaks.


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Another day that ends with busy and tired schedule, that is her usual routine which she has to face every day, Nothing new after all.

Jisoo comes to her mansion, and feels silence inside it. She smiles thinking about her loving sweet brother.

"Chim! Where are you!? Your noona is  back," Her voice echoes in the walls of the mansion, putting down the handbag on the couch of the living room, she titles her eyebrows after hearing no reply.

She usually hears his giggles or even a honk of her car is a sign of his noona's arrival which takes him to the main gate of their home, but today it surprises her as her expectations didn't reach her.

Unknowingly  her face starts to get red out of fear. After losing her parents, she doesn't want to let go off her younger brother, In whom her life resides.

She crazily clashes to his bedroom, with her chest growing up and down in tension.

A sigh of relief exhaled by Jisoo, seeing her brother is sleeping on the bed peacefully. She takes few steps to approach him.

"Thank god. You are here, Please don't leave me, Jimin. I won't be able to tolerate that," Tears form in her eyes, she caresses his head softly.

"Noona.." She notice her favourite title from that cute voice of her brother, who is awake now.

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