Unexpected meetings!

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Analysing whose voice is this, rose turns around, her lips upturns in contentedly.

It's none other than her oppa, taehyung. who is a well known, one of the most handsome and sharp minded doctor.

Rose comes to him, "Oppa

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Rose comes to him, "Oppa...Your here? i thought you were in hospital." She asks being surprised by his presence.

Tae says while chuckling a bit, "Does my chae still feel that her brother will not be with her even on such a special occasion?"

"No oppa. It's not but -" she pauses there.

"I am sorry chae. I truly meant to be sorry to you, I couldn't give you enough time that you deserve after our parents. I know I am a bad oppa, but please give me a chance?" Tae keeps an apologetic face.

"Oppa.. Don't! You still don't know how much amazing brother you are of mine. And I understand, You are the one who should serve the nation. It should be your first priority." Rose smiles. "Okay?"

"Fine. I can't argue with you more,"

"Well oppa, you were talking about what type of special occasion?" She asks reminding him the earlier words of his.

"Oh yes! If you don't tell me, I won't know. Don't even think like this." Tae complains, "You didn't tell me right? That you won again in one of your race tournament!"

"Omo! It totally got slipped off my mind. I am really sorry." She says scratching her head in embarrassment.

"It's fine! By the way, Where is it? Show me!" Tae exclaims which Rose takes up her bag.

She unboxes the box in which the gold medal is, and handles over to her oppa.

"If I could truly make anyone to deserve this more than me then it would be you Oppa, without you this would never have happened. So this goes to you.."

Tae just smiles hearing her words, he didn't even realise when her small naughty sister became so mature. He just caresses her cheeks gently.

"Alright I want to inform you about something.."

"Go for it."

"Actually We have to urgently go for the flight to seoul, Tonight."

"Huh! Why so suddenly?" Rosé asks confusingly. "And tonight?"

"Ahem do you remember the president of seoul, Who's the family friend of our parents?"

"Oh yes! I do! Mr Jung." Rose says as soon as she gets about whom was he talking about.

"Actually.. It's his daughter's wedding! So he has thrown a grand party celebration.. so he has invited us too and Their is even a concert of Mr and Mrs park's son so we have to leave for seoul. So we will be staying at their home for couple of days."

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