In love

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"What the fuck!"

Jimin curses before covering up his eyes with both of his palms. The car stops as soon as the driver sees the one who is standing infront of him.

Jimin removes his palms and out of rage, He goes to the driver.

"Don't you even know how to drive a car? Or are you the fresh one? Get some experience first and then drive this car. Do you even know what could happen here huh? Are you sleeping or something?" Jimin complains non stop.

"Pardon me, sir. I couldn't able to see you.."

"What the hell?! Am I invisible or something? Can't you just see a tall, handsome man standing? Or just say that you couldn't resist my charms that you even forgot how to dr-"

His mouth pauses to form more sentences the moment he sees A glamorous girl who is barely 23 years old, her face is already harden with an icy expression coming out of the car.

He looks at the driver before speaking.

"I didn't know that you had such bomb stuff inside your car." He says with flirty eyes and then lift his gaze towards the girl.

Ignoring his compliment, She turns her eyes to the driver." You can leave with the car. I will come in my oppa's car. Thank you." Driver bows and left.

"Well hi pretty girl, Where are you going? Should I drop you?" He asks putting his hands in his pocket.

"No need to, Mister. I am already at my destination." She replies and comes closer to his face.

"And If I even have to go somewhere! Why would I take your help?"

"Girl, say "why wouldn't I?" He emphasises. "You already seeked my attention by doing such acts few moments ago. What you want me to say more?"

"Listen you!" She grabs his collar which Jimin just looks at her, "It was my driver who did that fucking mistake! And I don't even want to see you from now on." She stomps and leaves.

"This girl is definitely something interesting." Jimin thinks to himself.

Entering the party hall, Rose searches for her oppa everywhere, her mind is still grouping with various moments of hers and that guy!

What he think of himself! Do he thinks he is the handsome guy in the world.

"Well not gonna lie, His features were so hot indeed, he was not bad either.." Realising what nasty thinking she is having, she smacks her head out of regret.

"Rose!" She hears the familiar voice of her oppa, walking towards her she replies. "Yes oppa I'm here! Actually I am sorry Its actually I met something annoying on my way! So Things got late with me."

"It's okay rose,"

"Noona!!" Rose immediately observes the voice and quickly moves her head to find out the person. She is astonished to meet him and so does Jimin, his eyes get large.

"You!? Here?!" Jimin and rose say simultaneously when they notice each other.

"Nice to meet you, Miss-?" He questions her name.

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