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"I can't wait." Tae confesses making Jisoo hit his elbow.

"Such a filthy person you are I swear!"

"Just for you, Ruby." Tae pecks on her cheeks.



Addressing them, With a distance between them, Jimin and Rose with tickling screams. Tae and Jisoo turn around and find both of their crackheads with wide opened mouths.

They both walks to them, "Really oppa? You can't wait? When and how you became like this huh?"

Tae stays silent being all embarrassed with his eyes facing his feet, His courage is lost to even form any words.

"What happened to my anti romantic Jisoo noona?" Jimin laughs.

"Stop. it's not funny! And Let's take a break over us and talk about you both, You both are in love with each other right?" Jisoo asks mostly likely to tease them

"How you guys got this?" Rose wides her eyes.

"Well My dear sister. It would have been better if the walls of your bedroom were soundproof." Tae smirks. "Right?"

"Uhh- I guess I've to leave. I got some work." She excuses and leaves.

"And I got an urgent call, So I also have to leave." Jimin too excuses.

"Yes yes. Now they will definitely remember the moment when we raised this issue. so both of them ran away." Tae says while control his laughter

"For sure!" Jisoo smiles

Time skips.

"Ruby?" Tae calls out after entering the room, he observes her while stroking her hair with fingers.

"Precious! You came back!?" Jisoo gives up a sweet smile before hugging him.

Breaking the hug Tae quickly perk her lips. "Thank you for everything Ruby."

"Thank you?" Jisoo tingles her eyebrows being mazed. "But why?"

Tae clutches her waist which makes her body on his.

"What was that for?"

Her question raise his head to come closer to her face. He wants to taste those lips, he wanted to feel her in arms.

He watches her lips part as moved in closer. When his mouth closed over hers, she moans. The sound is soft, just like the feel of her lips.

Everything about her is soft. Her curves that presses against his chest, the material of her dress under tae's hand as he strokes her back, the way her mouth opens at his gentle insistence, allowing him in.

Taehyung loses himself in her. He drowns in her sweet softness. The slight floral scent of her perfume mixed with the evergreen, that now-familiar hint of the candy cane that made her taste sweet and nostalgic, like she single-handedly embodied everything good about Christmas.

She kisses him back, her lips tentative, her hesitant as she mirrors his movements.

"Precious~" Jisoo moans slightly.

"I love it when you moan my name, my baby my Ruby~." Tae chuckles and cup her cheeks.

When jisoo opens her eyes, he is staring down at her again, so intense, and so light, and just happy.

Reaching up. She wiped a bead of sweat from his temple and buried my fingers in his hair.

She couldn't help but smile at him, loving how beautiful he is, how beautiful he makes her feel.

She loves him.

The reality of it hit her, and she think she always feels it there, building beneath the surface, but watching him return her smile, still buried inside her, there is no denying it. She loved him.

"With every smile, you have done exactly that." She feels his lips brushing over hers briefly, sending a shiver down her spine.

"With every single time you have been infuriatingly stubborn and impossibly beautiful, all at once." He placed a kiss on the corner of her eye.

"With every time you have shown the world how incredibly strong you are, even when you don't believe so yourself." A kiss on the tip of her nose.

"With all the ways your mind amazes and disturbs me in ways I'll never understand and not ever tire of." His lips land on her cheekbone, flicking across the skin.

"With how every single time you laugh, I want to throw you over my shoulder and run somewhere I can covet that sound just for myself." A kiss is brushed on her jaw, his lips then sweeping along until reaching her ear.

"And with every other unfathomable way you have made me completely yours."

"Yours," Jisoo repeats, her heart expanding in her chest. Lurching itself against her rib cage. Wanting out and into tae's. "I'm yours too,"

The end~

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