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"Huh? you are heavy....move goddammit! "
I pant as i plea my suitcase to move a little . I guess i overfilled it , actually scratch that , i definietly overfilled it ,puff... Its time for my mom to help me with this shitty piece of suitcase .

"Mummaaaaaaa... " i shout as i start folding some other clothes to put in another bag as this one clearly can't carry a single piece of needle anymore , or so it seemed .
i wait for her to come up to my room for a whole damn minute and when the minute ticks by and she is still not here, i call

" Mummaaaaaa ........come really fast ....its emergency....." as the words pass my lips my mom is in front of me panting heavily . I wait for her to catch her breath while i wonder , how selfless a mother's love for her child is , how pure a mother's heart works cause as soon as she hears that her child is in danger , she is running behind her child leaving everything in the world behind . Yeah yeah ...I love my mom kay! I am brought back from my thoughts by a tap on my head ,

mom says " what happened? ....are you hurt?...where? god alina , why do you walk blindly around the house , can't you see all the mess you create ...."

"mummy" i interrupt her before this packing session turns to a disaster of a giving education to alina session . yeah my family likes that a lot , " i called you here to help me pack my clothes , okay that was not a good idea , but u didn't come the first time i called ..." i wait for her glare to turn into a frown before moving ahead , " i can't move this one aside and i have 5 more clothes left to pack in another suitcase ...please help me , will you ? " i say pointing towards the bag on the bed .

She observes it for a long minute before she says , " give me your clothes and i'll arrange them for you " and i watch in utter disbelief as she adjust all my 5 clothes along with a pair of hills in that suitcase and put it down on the floor single handedly . huh? that easy?

"Alina, be at your best behavior at your aunt's, she likes to pick on people" as she saw my smirk , she further added , " for God's sake alina , don't take any bait from her" said mom.

" yes mumma , I'll keep that in my mind " as i finished the last of my breakfast , i got up from the chair and started towards my luggage as i have to leave anytime now , " one more thing alina , be safe on your way their and don't indulge in any adventure , take care of yourself and your brother please " see mother's love , told yaa !

" yess mommy I'll, Don't stress yourself okay ?".

" hey, dora ...u ready " the manly voice came from behind me , i turned towards the voice to see my brother standing at the doorway with the cab waiting outside the door. " eliana , Rian " i shouted for my cousins to come down so that we can leave for the journey , i watch as they come down the stairs , wondering how beautiful my cousin sister looks.

my brother is 18 , my sister's 18 with a look of 22 year old , my younger brother is 16 and i myself am 20 treated as a 13 yr. old child , i don't know why my family don't trust me with anything , but their lapse of faith in me hurts , a little more than it should , but maybe it's because of my childhood considering the fact that we were a gang of little devils with me being the leader ( story for another time , for now i should start on the journey )

I sit at the window seat in the back with eliana beside me and rian on the other side , Austin sits in the front with the cab driver . And once we are all settled the cab starts . we all fall in a comfortable silence with all three of them scrolling through their phone .

now , i am kind of excited as this is the first time i am going somewhere without my parents , you wonder what 20 years old never once went outside alone right? here's the scene , i am an introvert nerdy girl who likes to lie on the bed with a novel in hand and music blarring in the room, pretty much sums up my entire livelihood execpt for that one incident, i shift in my seat to distract myself from going down that memory lane and watch outside the window as the trees and landscapes pass by , my town, georgia is a beautifull town with mountains surrounding it and my aunt's town is an 2 hours ride away , and i love that place as well , Its my aunt's nephew's big traditional indian wedding because he loves india , why don't he goes their to settle , i don't know..but well atleast i get to wear huge heavy indian traditional 'lehenga-cholis' which are my absolute favorites. Its my first time attending an indian wedding and so i am excited and a tiny bit nervous because i don't have mum with me , but i want to make the most of my first journey alone .

I feel a slap on my cheek and jerk back in my seat to see my sibling and my cousin hovering over me asking each other if i am alive , i didn't know when i doged off to sleep .." well are you planning to get out of here , we have been standing on the patio for 7 minutes now trying to wake you up" that's rian , i give him my sharpest glare and get off of the car only to groan in pain from the weird sleeping position . I watch around to see the big mansion my aunt calls home , its a beige colored ancient mansion with a huge ass patio parked with 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ....yeah 9 damn cars from Lamborghini to range rover ...huh rich people shit , Don't get me wrong , i myself come from a rich family but this is other level rich ....I am brought to the world by a slap on my back ,yeah that's our ritual , i drift off in another world and this idiots bring me back by slaps all across my body , its....frustrating.

I go inside the mansion with three of them following me and am immediately taken into a big mama bear kinda hug , it calms me a little which is strange considering i didn't realize i was tense as a brick , i exchange the pleasantries with all the family members of my aunt , which are 16 people in all , a big joint family. I love joint families, you Don't miss out on any fun if u are from a joint family . Aunty maria leads us to the dinning hall and serves us the food as its 12 in the noon ...after having food and a truck load of conversation with my another cousin julie , we are directed to the guest rooms assigned to us to take some rest , a freaking large room all to myself atleast till eliana comes, woww .

It's a nice room with pastel blue walls and dark blue curtains with white and golden furniture, its nice and cozy. Aunty maria told us to be out in 2 hours for the 'mehendi' function, i have no idea what that is , guess I'll find out in 2 hours ...

I set an alarm for 1:30 and go to sleep.

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