Indeed Beautiful..

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I shouldn't have come here . I shouldn't have attained the Haldi . I definitely shouldn't have messed with her . And i shouldn't be thinking about her , yet it seems that's all i am doing ever since i laid my eyes on her. I am not the jerk i played out to be , but i don't know why i did what i did from the talks to the ointment. The only thing i know is the moment i bumped into her , my hands immediately bolted out to grab her, and when my heart calmed after i made sure she was safe, i looked at her for the first time , eyes closed , a pink pout, beautiful yellow dress, frizzy curls adorning her face in the most delicate way, and i turned her a little, because i wasn't ready to see the eyes ,yet. and when she jerked out of my grip, and turned, i was already walking away from her , even if that's the last thing i wanted to do. The second meeting was wayy more beautiful? I have never heard such a sweet melodic voice from anyone in my whole life and she didn't flirt like every girls who sees me infact it looked as if i have offended her in some way . I fucking stuttered for the first time inmy life that too in front of a girl, Zeus would be smirking right now.


And now here i am sitting in the car , zooning out on Jasha's introduction of her friends , i am sure asked her for intro because all the three girls can't take their eyes off of me for the life of them. And i'm hella irritated by the way they are staring at me. Was i irritated when she was looking at me ? no . Do i have a good reason for that ? no. Does it bother me ? alot , but it's not like i can do anything about it , for now .  I have had plenty of women in my arms but these three are irritating and the girl back home is .....well, different. The car jerks to a stop in front of the city mall , and i get out before one of Jas's friend ask me another one of the who's my type question and fake pout after my answer. I stroll to the front gate when jas stops me and asks to wait for other's , at first i don't know who she is referring to , but then she tells me about Austin and her cousins, I like Austin, A cool kid, not a kid kid , but he is three years younger then me so a kid.

I go to the nearby bench and sit while taking out my cell , i check my Instagram to find msgs from all my friends asking for my return, I reply to all the conversations and still when the last msg pops up on the screen from a no. i know all too well , but never want anything to do with, time stops , my breathing rags because i don't know what to do , emotions flow out from where i clogged them up for more then 8 months now, the memories, the pain , everything comes up so fast and i can't shake the feelings for the life of me. I am about to open the msg when Austin voice comes from above , I look up to see him looking behind me , " well, are you coming" he calls, " no, i am not , you go , shoo" a voice that has captured my mind for almost 4 hours says from behind , i frown at Austin , trying to figure out how he Know's her ."stop it, dora , Jas is waiting " "oh yea, let her wait then" i turn a little and see her frowning at her foot , and yep she looks fucking adorable , i almost forget about the msg , but then my cell rings and i look back at my cell to see a call from that no. , it's more then 7 months , so why call now. i sigh "uh...why did you wear it if you knew , it'll break, now get here, i'm sure the mall have a shop or two for" footwears if you don't wat brands " 'okay, god you are irritating, go in, i'll be their in a few" "you sure" "ofcourse ,go" I watch as Austin turns to me and asks in a slow voice , " you coming?" "um..yeah" I want to go to the mystery girl, want to ask her name, and her relation with Austin ,but I follow him anyway.

an hour in , and i am ready to murder Jas, either for bringing me here , or for bringing her friends here , or for the fact that she easily let mystery girl away . Where the fuck did she go ? "hey D, would you please come with me " the girl, whose name is Genelia asks "where?" ,"umm...just come please i can't go alone " i shrug and start following her , we take the stairs and reach the terrace. I look around the orange pink sky, the couples sitting on the benches , and the melody in the air , it's all soothing but i still fume when i see HER sitting with AUSTIN on the bench at the last. "it's beautiful " " indeed it is " but i don't think we are talking about the same thing. I watch as Austin takes a bite of the granola bar, and gives her the rest , i watch as she takes a bite right from the Austin's side , and that's all i needed to see red, i don't want to think about these reactions so I do the thing i know , i grab the girl next to me . who i realize now was speaking something , and stroll to the bench near them , make the girl sit in my lap and kiss her. 

it isn't like she was discreet about her intentions earlier. I don't want to think about my reactions or actions , it's just that ...well i don't know . 


I have been sitting here for more than half an hour now, we strolled out in the balcony of the mall when i didn't found a single fucking shop for the damn wedges. I mean which kind of malls doesn't have a footwear shop ? "Hey, wanna grab a bite" i look at the granola bar and as if on cue my stomach rumbles "No, Y.O.U. grab a bite and give the rest to me " I watch as he takes a bite and hands the bar to me "oh, it's delicious, I am so damn hungry Dumbo" i tell Austin after I take a bite and hand him the bar all the while feeling someone's daggers burning hole in my skull. I turn a little to see if someone's behind me but there is no one there. I am about to turn back when i catch a glimpse of someone making out on the bench near us , and when i get a close look at the person , a sense of disappointment washes over me when i realise who the person is .....umm, what is he doing here ? 

Austin's phone starts ringing and i turn to see him looking at me closely.


He saw me looking at 'THE GUY' and now i don't know what to do ? "won't you pick up the call" "i will" he picks the call and turns a little to talk to whoever called him , meanwhile i turn a little to see the guy making out , but to my surprise the guy is looking straight at me , his intense gaze piercing my soul, I turn so fast that world spins for an entirety of 30 secs . Red coats my cheeks on being caught and i try to hide my face behind my hairs all the while feeling his gaze on me . "Everyone's ready , let's go" comes Austin's voice "yeah" and with that i leave the place to go back to aunt's house. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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