nineteen ; forever

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nineteen ; ashton


"No, Ashton, I will not go to the hospital until you come here and drive me there!"

"Ella, you're about to have our son, not the best time to be stubborn," I chuckled.

"I can't do this alone Ashton, I'm scared. I need you here."

"I know, babe, and I'm so close! I'm only 30 minutes away but traffic is insane!"

"Please hurry, make it to the hospital quick."


More than an hour had passed when I finallly made it to the hostpital. LA traffic was no joke. I made my way to the room Ella was in and was met with Julie and Ella's mother, both relieved to see me. "Thank god you're here, she's going insane."

I laughed nervously and made my way towards Ella, relief overtaking her face.

"Ashton!" I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and a hugged her carefully.

After hours of pain and screams we were finally left with the gift we had been joyfully awaiting for months. When I was able to hold my son I couldn't help the tears that filled my eyes. My son. The greatest gift I would ever receive and it was coming from someone that had already given me so much with just being by my side.

"I love you so much, Ella."

"Who would've thought that we would be here with our beautiful son just because of some random youtube video." She whispered, gently kissing our son as I held him.

"Beautiful how life works, right?"

"Beautiful. You really fell for the awkward youtuber, I must say, your taste is quite questionable."

"If you ask me, I would argue my taste is, on the contrary, impeccable. I have an amazing life partner who today has given me a gift will cherish for as long as I can. I truly do love you, Ella, even more than I thought possible. I will forever be grateful for that video in wich you mentioned me. Without it, we never would've met. Thank you. "

"Thank you, Ashton, after all these years, this is the perfect ending of this chapter. We can finally move on the next one, where we are parents to this beatiful boy."

"I can't wait for what the future holds." I told her as I looked down at my son, a wide smile making its way to my lips.

"It's a bit scary."

"Yes, but at least we have each other." I looked at her and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Forever?" She asked me.

"Forever," I assured her, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Forever with you, Ella.


Note to future me: 9 years late is better than to never have finished it at all:) they get a happy ending just like I will<3

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