ten ; skype

922 48 7

ten ; ashton 

  [10:57 p.m.]

    "But I miss schooloh wow, I never thought I would say that," Ella spoke, soon laughing at her words. I just sat back, looking at the way her closed eyes formed wrinkles at the corners, making me smile at the adorable sight. "I even miss Mr. Mendezthe really, really rude, perverted, and annoying teacher. He had a mustacheI don't know why, but I felt like that was an important detail."

    I shook my head at her, laughing lightly to myself. "You're so weird, Ella—that's why I love you, though," I told her, seeing as she smiled. "I miss you already."

    "Oh my God, same! Skype isn't working for me, I want to hug you! You give, like, really good hugs,"  she said, pouting at me, which made me a bit more sad. There she was, in my screen, looking so adorable (her lips looking so kissable). 

    "Well, you're not the first to compliment my hugging skills—been working on then since the womb," I joked, pretending to act as if I was proud of myself or something. She started to laugh, which made me smile widely. 

    "You're such a dorkthat's why I love you, though," she smiled. No words had ever brought a bigger smile to my lips than those she spoke—I even felt my cheeks hurt a bit from doing so. "Thank God we don't have to worry about time zones for a while."

    "I know right,"—I yawned, a bit tired from yesterday—"we get to talk more," I told her. 

   "You look tired, maybe you should"

    "No, Luke, I will not sleep with you for twenty bucks," Calum interrupted Ella, almost kicking my door down as he entered, followed by the other two. "Hey, Ashton, you still talking to Ella?" he asked with a smirk—he obviously knew that I was still talking to her (in fact, I'm positive they all knew). 

   "I'll throw in a Michael," Luke said, taking a seat next to me. I turned to look at Ella, who was enjoying the show a bit too much as she laughed an ate some popcorn (the popcorn made it all too hilarious for me). 

    "Hey, hey! I'm not Michael, I'm the Michael; but no, you can't use me for your pleasures, Luke, I'm not an object—besides, I'm not sure I even find Calum attractive," Michael said, throwing himself of my bed. "Hi, Ella!"

    "Oh, yeah, hi, Ella!" Calum said, joining the rest of us on the bed. 


    "Hi, guys! How are you, weirdos, doing?"

    "Not so good, apparently Michael doesn't find me attractive," Calum pouted, hugging tightly onto me. "I'm sorry, Ashton, I just really need a hug right now."

    "Aw," both Michael and Ella said at the same time. "I'm sorry, babe. I'll make it up to you, lets go order some pizza and watch some Netflix," Michael said, getting up from the bed. Calum jumped off of me and made his way to stand next to Michael. 

    "I don't know if you're still joking or not, but if I don't get pizza I'm seriously going to kill a bitch," Calum said in all seriousness, causing Ella and I to laugh. After saying goodbye to Ella, they both left (arguing of course—probably about what movie they were going to watch). 

    "So, Luke. Aren't you leaving too?"

    "Nah, I'm lonely and I need you," Luke said, hugging me. I think I heard an aw from Ella, which wasn't something I really wanted. 

    "Go to sleep, Luke."

    "Or what?"

    "Or I'll tell your mom," I smirked. He quickly let go, jumping off of my bed and then heading towards the door. After he had left, he came back but only to tell me this: "Don't tell her, please."

  [1:49 p.m]

    "—and then she just lifted up her shirt, showing me her—you know—melons?" 

    "What? Oh my God, Ashton, melons, really? They're boobs, just say it," Ella said, shaking her head sleepily, her yawn getting covered by her hand. She smiled lightly, her eyes struggling to stay open.

    "It's a bit late, we should probably go to bed already, besides, you need to get enough energy for your weekly video tomorrow," I told her. 

    "Oh yeah, the new video. You know, everyone loved you on last week's video; they keep asking me for more Ashton. They're probably going to be disappointed with tomorrow's video," Ella smiled. 

    "They won't—or at least I won't. Okay, you look as if you are going to pass out, so I'm making you go to sleep. Goodnight, Ella."

    "Goodnight, Ashton,"

  [10:06 a.m.]

    "I wish that I could wake up with amnesia!" I sang—more like shouted—as I walked past Michael's room, purposely shouting loudly. It was sorta payback for Calum waking me up (and I knew Michael had no fault in this, but Calum had left early so I had to get backat someone, and poor Michael was sorta just, you know, there).

    "Shut up, you dickhead!"

    "He looked so perfect laying there, in his American apparel underwear," I said, opening the door to Michael's room. "L-O-L you're not even wearing underwear, oops," I said, slowly closing the door again.

    "Did you just say L-O-L?" That was a question with an obvious answer. 

    "When did you even pop the question?" Calum asked, walking into the kitchen and laughing as he handed me a magazine. I looked at the page Calum had been looking at, and saw pictures of Ella and I. My eyes scanned the article; I laughed as I read it.  

    "Apparently some time last week..." 

© 2014 -ziam-

a/n: y'all should talk to me so then we can be friends. jk im lame and cant have friends bcuz im v awkward. 

i'm sorry if this kinda sucks but i was v tired when i wrote it bcuz i can literally count the hours of sleep i got with one hand. 

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