eight ; food

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eight ; ashton

  [1:18 p.m.]

    "Are you nervous?" I asked Ella, seeing as she kept on running  the palms of her hands down her black jeans. Her foot was also jumping up and down, which was another indication of her possible nervousness. 

    "Uh, me nervous? What makes you think that?" she asked, her hand taking a hold of the drink that was on the table. I watched her take a sip, and then decided to speak up. 

    "Well, for starters, you just took a sip of my drink—"

    "Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll get you another one," she said, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink, as she started to get up from her seat. 

    I quickly stopped her from doing so, trying to contain my laughter at how nervous she was acting. She was so adorable and I just wanted to kiss her. Damn it, Ashton, stop thinking like that. "No, no, it's okay. I'll go, you stay." Getting up from my seat, I saw a red-haired idiot, followed by two other idiots, entering through the doors. Even though I didn't want to show how much I missed him, my lips pulled up into a smile without my consent. "Hey guys!"

    Calum's head turned my way, followed by the rest of the boys. They started to make their way towards us, and as I waited I stole a glance at Ella—who looked even more nervous than before. "What took you guys so long?" I asked them, pulling Michael into a manly embrace. 

    "Michael had to stop for some food," Calum said, giving me a quick hug as well. After hugging Luke, I asked: "Food? The whole purpose of meeting here was to get some food."

    "No, the whole purpose of this was to meet Ella—by the way, nice to meet you, I'm Michael," Michael said, pushing me aside and walking over to Ella, who slowly got up from her seat. She smiled, extending out her hand for Michael, who gladly took it. He looked over at me, still shaking her hand, and mouthed the word 'nice'. 

    "Nice to meet you," Ella finally spoke, her voice soft but pretty audible. After Michael finally let go of her hand and all the boys had introduced themselves, we all sat down. A few awkward (for Ella) seconds went by, which consisted of the three boys looking at her. I could see how uncomfortable she was, and was thankful when Michael got up and went to order some food (even if he had already eaten, he was still 'so hungry he could eat a horse'), and both boys decided to do the same. 

    "Well, that was awkward," I muttered, getting a 'yeah' from Ella. She sat there, looking down the her hands. God, she was so adorable when she was nervous. Without much thinking, my hand made its way over to hers, and placed itself on hers. She looked over at me quickly, her face filled with confusion. I gave her a warm smile, "Stop being so nervous," I told her. 

    She smiled weakly, nodding slowly at me. "Look, there's nothing to be nervous about, okay? They may look like assholes, but they're nice guys and I'm sure you're gonna end up loving them so much."

    A smile tugged at her lips, her hand moving to move a strand of hair behind her ear. "They don't look like assholes, though. They look really nice, it's just that I'm so awkward, and I'm afraid they're not going to like me," she told me. 

    "They like everyone, especially hot girls," I said, before I could even register the words coming out of my lips. "I didn't mean to call you hot—it's not that you're not, because you are—but, it's just—coming, Calum!" Words just came out like vomit so I had to leave in order to stop it. I started to make my way towards the boys, my face hot. Behind me, Ella's laugh could be heard, which only made my face hotter. 

    "And that's the story on how I ran across my neighborhood naked," Michael finished his little story, causing Ella to laugh next to me. 

    "You really have no shame, Clifford," Ella said, taking a sip of her drink—hers and not mine, this time. 

    "What can I say, I'm awesome."

    "Having no shame does not mean that you're awesome," Calum said, pushing Michael's arm. 

    "Yeah, you're just—just disgusting," Luke butted in, his mouth full of fries. 

    This went on for a while; they argued over some stupid shit, Ella and I laughed, and Luke quit the band at least three times. After they had agreed to disagree, we headed towards the movies. 

  [8:46 p.m.]

    "So, did you have fun today?" I asked Ella, my arm around her. We continued to walk, with the three idiots in front of us—who were laughing at God knows what—and her snuggled in close to me. Man, was I thankful that she hadn't brought a sweater and man was I thankful that the weather was so bipolar. 

    "Yes, a lot. I really liked spending the day with you guys," she said, laughing lightly afterwards. We walked in silence, our steps being the only audible sounds, not even the other boys could be heard, which was really weird. I looked up, noticing they weren't in front of us anymore, and had gone off to somewhere else.

    "Where'd they go?" I asked and Ella just shrugged. We continued to walk, talking lightly about the movie we had just watched. 

    As I watched that Ella's house neared, my steps became shorter and slower. But like everything else, it came to and end. After a long search for her keys, Ella stood inside smiling. "This was fun, lets do it some other time."

    "Yeah, yeah, definitely," I said, smiling. "Uh, I'll see you."

    "See you, Ashton," she said, then surprising me with a kiss on the cheek. With that she closed the door and left me standing outside, feeling completely and absolutely confused (and lets not forget cold).

© 2014 -ziam-

a/n:hey guyyyss. i suck at updating, i'm so sorry. hopefully i'll start updating more frequently...anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter. 

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