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*Stephanie Marsh

"Wait okay, recap. You got absolutely wasted, walked all the way to Nialls apartment, asked him to sleep with you, proceeded to try and take a shower, and then crashed on his bed. Is that all correct?" Louis says before bursting out with laughter again. 

"Shut up already, I'm embarrassed enough as it is."  I cover my face in regret. Luckily I only have to see Niall tomorrow, then I get the weekend off. 

Louis sits in front of me on my grey loveseat facing the television, he lets out another burst of laughter. He thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. 


"Can we please just forget it ever happened? Niall's already not going to let me live this down, I don't need another person reminding me of it every five minutes. Plus, it's not like you haven't done any stupid things."

"Me? I've never done anything stupid in my entire life, I'm a saint." Louis defends himself. 

I let out a laugh. "May I remind you of the time you got yourself stuck in a baby swing?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" He shakes his head in denial.

That day was undoubtedly one of the best days that I had. It was his eighteenth birthday, and we had to celebrate it a week early, considering his actual birthday was on christmas eve. We were in the park playing truth or dare, Louis was both drunk and high, and I wasn't exactly sober either. I told him I bet he couldn't fit into a baby swing, so Louis took that as a dare and squeezed himself into the swing. He started to panic when he couldn't get himself out. He said we would have to call the fire department to get him out and then we would go to prison. By the time I calmed down from laughing my ass off, I ended up helping him get himself out. I still have the video of him talking about the fireman having to come cut him out of the baby swing. 

"Sure, of course you don't. Anyway, you told me you have something to tell me, so what's up?" I change the subject.

Louis' eyes widened for a second while taking a sip from the can of redbull. "Right! So, I've met someone." He smiles. 

"ooo, tell me everything." 

"I saw him playing at a pub the other day, he was really good, great singer. Plays guitar too. His name's Harry, he's in a band and he's very attractive" Louis finishes, smiling.

"He sounds great, did you get his number?"

"Yes ma'am I did." 

"Are you gonna ask him out?"

"Yeah, I will, I was gonna wait for him to ask first, but I don't think he's going to."

"Well, you better ask him out soon, he's gonna think you're not interested anymore." 

"I will, I'll ask him tomorrow." 

"okay, just don't wait too long."

"I know." Louis shrugs taking another sip from his can. "But I want to talk about you and Niall." He grins.

"Why? What's there to talk about?" I ask.

"Well you obviously have some kind of feelings for him, you wouldn't have walked all the way to his place from the pub if you didn't. And don't give me the you were drunk excuse, you know that doesn't work."

I sigh and look down at my hands. "I don't know Lou, normally I'd flirt with anyone when I'm intoxicated, but walking all the way to Nialls' just cause he's slightly attractive? It's weird, but I just want to forget about it." I shrug, picking at my nail beds.

"You can't just ignore your feelings Steph, or it's gonna come back to bite you in the ass."

"No I know, it's just confusing I guess." 

"You know what you need, you need to fuck him. Get the sexual tension out of the way and go from there." 

"That's terrible advice Louis, and that's not going to happen." I snicker.

"Do you like him Stephanie?" He questions. 

"I don't want to." 

"But do you?"

"I do." 

well, fuck.


sorry for the short chapter, I promise for longer ones after the holidays 

Larry subplot? 

thanks for reading, all the love x

-day :)

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