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*Niall Horan

I can't say that it didn't surprise me when Stephanie asked me to come over for Christmas, sure she said she didn't have any plans but I didn't think she would just invite me at the last minute. I couldn't go see my mum back in Ireland this Christmas, budgets were too tight, especially for her. I'm definitely glad the detective invited me over, I wouldn't have done anything special for Christmas either anyways. 

I tried on a couple of shirts and trousers to see what I should go for. I didn't know if she was going to be casual or get all dressed up. I settled for something more in the middle, black t-shirt and black trousers, not very Christmas-y but I don't really have anything that is. 

She lives in a tall apartment building on the fourteenth floor. Not too fancy, beige carpeted floors in the corridors, and dim pot lights up on the ceiling casting a few shadows on the doors. Finally reaching her door, I double check to make sure I'm at the right place. After a few knocks preceded by a few seconds after, the brown door swings open and my eyes are met with hers. 

She changed out of what she was wearing at work today, a white top, silk maybe, with lacy straps and a v-neck. Black leggings hug her waist as my eyes drift down to her hands crossed in front of her, two rings on each hand, both silver. Her hair is up in a claw clip, showing off her collar bones paired with a silver chain around her neck. 

What is it about collar bones being so attractive?

"Are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna come in?" She breaks the silence for the first time. 

"Hm? Right, yeah." I say stepping into her apartment. 

Shit, was I staring?

The first thing I noticed is the living room to my left, a television sitting on a brown desk at the wall, with a black couch in front of it. On the right is the kitchen, a few magnets on the fridge, though I can't really tell what they are and a kitchen island in the middle. I definitely didn't expect her apartment to be so... bland. There was just a lot of cream white and light grey, not much colour. 

At the corner of my eye there was a sudden movement, my eyes flick towards the couch as I see a grey cat scurrying across the wooden floor over to what I'm assuming is either the bedroom or the bathroom down the short corridor a few feet in front of me.

"I like your apartment, it's very... clean" I compliment. 

She chuckles under her breath, "you can just say it's boring, don't try and sugarcoat it." She says flicking her eyes to the bottle of wine I brought, taking it out of my hands to bring it to hers. 

"I wasn't sure if you wanted me to bring anything." I shrug. 

"You didn't have to, but red wine? That's definitely a choice." She forces a smile.

"What do you mean? Not a fan of red?"  I smirk.

"I just don't really like how I get when I'm red wine drunk." She murmurs.

I really wanted to know what that meant, but she wasn't elaborating on what she said, so I wasn't going to push her to either.

"You can grab a seat, I'm gonna get some glasses." She smiles, walking over to the kitchen cupboards. The couch is a little small, but the fabric is nice, it's soft, there's a throw pillow on each side, one is a baby pink, and the other a sky blue. So, at least she has a little bit of colour.

"Do you prefer whiskey, vodka, or tequila?" She asks from the other side of the room, on her tippy toes opening the top cabinet above the stove. 

"You choose." I say. My voice kind of carries in this apartment, damn. 

"Okay... silver or gold tequila then?" 

"Silver, obviously" I say annunciating the "obviously".

"That's my kind of man." She smiles grabbing the bottle from the shelf and walking over to me with two shot glasses and two wine glasses in her hand.

She sits down on the floor in front of the couch and opens the bottle of silver liquor, pouring a shot for each of us. 

"What? I don't have a coffee table to put these on so I have to put these on the floor." She says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. 

I shrug and sit down leaning my back against the couch and my legs sprawled out in front of me. She hands me a shot glass and clinks hers with mine before tipping it back so the clear, strong liquid pours down my throat. I make a face as the burning sensation gets more prominent.

This is why I don't like doing shots.

She makes a refreshing exhale, like she's just had a cold sip of water after a run. Her left hand grabs the bottle of red wine, twisting the cap and flicking it off so it flies somewhere at the other end of the room. 

That was hot.

She pours me a full glass, handing it to me. Stephanie fills up half of her glass before taking it down in two gulps, she sets it back down on the floor and fills the whole thing up so it's more than half.

"I thought you said you didn't like how red wine made you act?" I question with a light smirk on my face.

"Oh I don't, but it tastes good and there's usually a fun story to tell the morning after." She smiles with a devious look in her eyes, grabbing the glass off the floor and bringing it to her soft pink lips.

Fuck, this is gonna be an interesting night isn't it?


all black on almost anyone is so hot omfg

where do you think this is gonna go?? 

thanks so much for reading, all the love! 

-Day :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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