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*Niall Horan

Big parties were never my favourite thing. There were always too many people, music that was loud enough to crack an eardrum, and people who were drunk out of their minds. I wouldn't have minded that much if it was just people I know and like there. But there were co-workers I didn't even know existed until tonight.

A few hours into the party, and I was at my limit. Not to mention the smell. Sweat, liquor and heavy perfume. I had a few women come over and flirt with me. I would've flirted back if they weren't practically falling over with a glass of wine in their hand. Mind you, there was only one girl that I wanted to flirt with tonight. Lord, she looked gorgeous. Her black dress perfectly shows off her curves,  the way her black waves fall down below her shoulders. She really is a sight for sore eyes. 

The minute my ears started to ring from the noise, I knew I needed a good breather. I stepped my way through the dancing bodies over to the back door. A chilly rush of wind escapes from outside as I feel the pavement under my feet. There was sand on the steps to make sure no one would slip. A lot of it was covered in fresh snow however. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at a few trees scattered near where I was standing, noticing there were fresh footprints leading to a tree. 

There she was, leaning back against the wood, a half-finished cigarette in between her fingers. She must have noticed me as her eyes darted to mine, and her lips curved into a slight smile. Without hesitation, I start walking over to where she is, her cigarette drops to the ground as she puts it out. 

"Thought you left without saying goodbye to me." I smile, taking a step closer to her.

"What? Never." She responds sarcastically. 

"Mind if I join you? It's getting loud in there and I need a breath of fresh air." 

"Yeah of course, I came out here for the same reason." She smiles. 

There were so many things I wanted to ask her, so many thoughts racing through my mind. I shuffle a little closer beside her, wanting that space between us to be closed. 

"Can I ask you a question, detective?" 

"Only if I get to ask you one." She smirks. I chuckle softly at her response, remembering the last time she said that to me.

"Why do you drink?" I ask softly.

She pauses and looks down at her  shoes. 

"I guess because, I like to forget. I like to have that happy feeling, even if it's temporary. It's sort of like an escape, I know it's not good for me, but, I'm not really sure how to stop." 

I understand that, I understand that all too well. I used to get high all the time, with anything I could get my hands on. It took a lot of strength to stop, but eventually I did. 

She's hurting. And I wish she could tell me why.

Her eyes, sparkle from the lights, the irises around look like pools of honey. There are a few freckles around her nose that I hadn't noticed before. Her lips look soft. A light coat of lip gloss covering her bottom lip. 

I want to kiss her, so badly.

But I don't think I should. The last time I let myself open up to someone. I got hurt. I have the scar to prove it. I can't let it happen again. I can't let another person into my life, just for them to end up treating me like shit and then leaving to never talk to me again. 

"Why did you decide to become a detective." She asks, softly. 

The sound of her voice is like silk. I could listen to it for hours. I only noticed it started to snow when I looked at the top of her head to see little white flakes falling on top of it. 

"I asked you a question" She whispers. I could barely hear it, but that might have just been my imagination tuning it out. I want to taste her lips. So bad. They look soft, and warm, just begging to be kissed. 

"I know" I whisper back, slowly leaning closer. There was no more time to think about what consequences may happen. The small gap closes between us as I plant my lips on hers. They were soft and tasted lightly of tobacco, but I didn't care. I was scared she wouldn't kiss me back, but before I could get too nervous, she deepened the embrace just a little more. I swear, the things I would do to her, if she'd only let me. 

My tongue grazes her bottom lip, requesting access. Her breath hitched a little, indicating she was starting to get nervous. So I took a chance and reached one of my hands into the soft locks of her hair. She lets out a small breath as her lips part. I wasn't going to shock her, so instead I lightly slipped my tongue into her mouth before pulling back out, just tasting her soft lips once more.

A slight shiver runs up my neck as I feel her hand place itself on my bare chest. She's going to drive me insane. I smile as I pull her closer with my hand around her waist, kissing her just a little harder. I knew I had to pull away before the thought of doing anything more than just kissing takes over.

Pulling away slowly, I stare into her eyes again, a soft smile on her lips. 

"What are you doing to me Stephanie Marsh?" I whisper just loud enough for her to hear. 

She doesn't respond to me, which I'm glad she didn't, instead she smiles and kisses me on my lips for just a second. 

"I could ask you the same thing." She smiles. 

I'd love to find out why. I wanted to know what was going through her mind. I may never get the answers, but I don't really care all that much, as long as I get to kiss her one more time. 


Hope everyone had a good new year!

Also what did Niall mean by "I have the scar to prove it" ??? 

thanks for reading, all the love 

-Day :)

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