Characters featured in this book

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I already mentioned that this book takes place on my own Animal crossing island, this is why here's a list of the characters and a (probably not canon) description what their role in the book is cuz idk.

Canon characters

One of, if not THE main character of this book.
Is trying her best since she's one of the newest on the island.
Has a strong connection to gyroids and understands them, even the one who just make noises and can't talk.

Rose (my character)
Just my ACNH character in the game,
Not playing a big Role but is still important for the story.
(Yes my character counts as canon since it's the player character)

Knows Coco from the past and doesn't trust her.
Can be a little selfish and rude sometimes.

Always snacking.
Is a really close friend of Rose.
(He's here for the jokes ig)

She lives on the island at the beginning
But moves away after long thinking.

Tries to protect the others like a big sister would do.
(Doesn't really play a big role in the book)

Loves singing and won't shut up about her
future plans to become a "Popstar"
She tries to get along with Coco but she can't really talk with her about anything.

One of Rose's best friends and really supportive and happy about everything.
Was one of the first to actually get along with Coco
She really wants to become a singer one day and practices a lot.
(I headcanon her to have ADHD and I mean the over energetic type)

Teases Peanut a lot. (He has issues displaying his feelings towards her since he isn't sure himself how he feels towards her)
Won't shut up about his "muscles" and "exercising"

Like's talking about fashion.
Doesn't really question himself why he's a robot (and doesn't even seem to notice that he's one)

Loves reading and flowers.
Tried to start a book club with Marcie which didn't worked since Marcie moved away.

Moved in after Marcie left.
Hates everything and is cranky all the time

Tom nook
Tries to get Redd out of Town

His boat is broken and now he's stuck on the island
But uses the opportunity to stalk Tom nook a little
(And to cause a little mischief)

Tries to calm Tom nook down.
Somehow manages to get drunk every time something is celebrated.

(She isn't living on my island by the way I just wanted to add her to the book for reasons you'll probably understand while reading)
Over for a visit since she remembers to know Yuka from her
Past and wanted to visit her.
She's more ego then personality most of the time.

(He isn't living on my island either)
He started sticking around with Ankha since they've met.

(Almost lived on my island but couldn't made her stay)
Similar energy and interests like Tangy and knows Tangy since kindergarten.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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