Chapter 10

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A few days have passed since the drought was announced to the clan, Cottonwing was watching Pumpkit play with a bluejay feather, Cottonwing watched the small kit intently as she worried about her mother. It's been almost a half moon and Snowfrost has not come out of the medicine den. Cotton heart stood up and walked over to the medicine den while Buddy walked over and showed Pumpkit some hunting moves, she turned into the medicine den to see her mother burying her head in the moss bed.

"Snowfrost?" She whispered. Snowfrost didn't react. Was she asleep? Cottonwing waited a few seconds and then left the medicine den, sorrow filling her she walked over to Ghostclaw.

"May I go out hunting?" She asked.

"What about Pumpkit?" Ghostclaw asked.

"I will ask Springwater to watch her," Cottonwing said.

"Alright, you may go. I'll tell Springwater." Ghostclaw said, jumping off the half-rock and over to the warriors den. Cottonwing walked over to the camp entrance, exiting the camp and walking over to her favorite hunting spot she tasted the air and instantly smelled the mouse, she dropped into a hunting crouch and stalked towards the scent. Spotting the mouse she dropped her tail getting ready to pounce, the mouse was curled up next to a tree root, Cottonwing waited until the mouse had full fell asleep and then dashed at the mouse the mouse head darted up on second before Cottonwing bit the neck, killing the mouse, she picked up the mouse and walked over to a nearby tree, dug a hole, but the mouse in it, and buried it for later and continued to hunt.

A few hours later, Cotton heart had caught another mouse, a sparrow, and a vole. She walked over to the hole and grabbed as many pieces of fresh-kill and walked back to camp, she dropped the two mice and vole on the pile and then went back to get the sparrow and back to camp, once she was done she grabbed a mouse and took it over to Pumpkit who loved mice.

"Pumpkit!" Cottonwing called. Pumpkit raced out of the nursery.

"Mama!" Pumpkit purred, brushing her head onto Cottonwing's leg.
"Hello sweetie, I brought you your favorite." Cottonwing said. Pumpkit dropped into a crouch and then jumped into the air using her paws to try and reach the mouse. Cottonwing laughed and put down the mouse. Pumpkit was getting so big! She will be a warrior soon.

"Excited to be a warrior?" Cottonwing asked.

"...No.. I want to be a Medicine cat!" Pumpkit mewed.

"What?" Cottonwing said.

"Yah! Last night I meet a beautiful white she-cat with cool blue patterns! She told me some of the herbs!" Pumpkit said playing with a leaf. Wavepelt walked into the nursery.

"Cottonwing, can we talk?" Wavepelt asked.

"Sure. Pumpkit stay here." Cottonwing said looking at Pumpkit and then followed Wavepelt. Walking over to the medicine den Cottonwing realized she had a question for Wavepelt, entering the medicine den Wavepelt sat down with a light orange seed thing in front of her.

"So, what do you want?" Cottonwing asked.

"Snowfrost tells me this is a PUMPkin seed.." Wavepelt said. Cotton heart bent down and sniffed the seed.

"Hmm, this does smell like one.. Or at least what Snowfrost told me." Cottonwing said.

"You know what this means.." Wavepelt looked at Cottonwing.

"I do, but.." Cottonwing trailed off.

"But what?" Wavepelt asked.

"Starstar visited Pumpkit in a dream last night, and explained some of the herbs to her.." Cotton heart whispered.

"Hm..." Wavepelt looked down. "Cottonwing, I want to talk to starclan tomorrow and I want you, Bluestrike, and Ghostclaw to come with me."

Cottonwing's pelt prickled. Did Wavepelt know about the dream she had with her kin? A memory flashed back to her, that morning after the dream Wavepelt looked at Cottonwing weird. Looked at Wavepelt now she nodded.

"I'll tell my kin, you inform Moonstar." Cottonwing mewed,

"Ok, meet at the camp entrance before dark." Wavepelt said walking out of their den. Cottonwing waited a few seconds looking at her grieving mother, the slow rise and fall of her chest and then a cough. Cottonwing was worried for her mother and then walked out of the medicine den to talk to her brothers, she saw Ghostclaw and bluestrike talking over by the nursery, she assumed they were waiting for her so she walked over and sat down.

"Hi Cottonwing." Ghostclaw mewed.

"I have something to tell you." Cottonwing said, then started explaining what she and Wavepelt had explained and how they are heading to the Crystal-pond tonight.

"Hm, do you know why she wants us three?" Ghostclaw asked, wrapping his tail around his paws.

' "I think she knows about the dream or prophecy we had as apprentices." Cottonwing said.

"I mean, think back to that. I seem to have a natural skill with fighting, as if I was born a pro." Bluestrike said. The cats changed the subject and talked all afternoon before the sunset, the sky was beginning to grow dark and Cottonwing, Ghostclaw, and Bluestrike walked over to the camp entrance where Wavepelt was waiting.

"Ready?" Wavepelt asked.

"Yes." Ghostclaw responded. Wavepelt led the way as they walked to the Crystal-pond that was at the far back to Moonclan territory. They walked and walked as the sky kept getting darker. After a while Cottonwing saw a pool surrounded by blue and purple pebbles and large flat stones that was at its highest at the far back of it. Wavepelt walked forward to the clear blue water with Cottonwing, Ghostclaw, and Bluestrike behind her. Cottonwing was amazed at the area, it was so pretty and mystical. Cottonwing looked at Wavepelt who was laying next to the pool. Cottonwing laid by the pool just like Wavepelt was doing, and as soon as Ghostclaw and Bluestrike were doing the same she explained what to do.

"Now, all we have to do is put our noses into the water and starclan will come to us." Wavepelt said. Cottonwing and her brother did as Wavepelt said and fell asleep next to the cold water. She opened her eyes to a lush green valley. She looked around just to see Starstar walk out of the tall grass.

"Greetings, Cottonwing." Starstar said.

"Greetings." Cottonwing bowed her head and then lifted her head to look at the Starclan cat.

"Wake up Cottonwing. I will talk to all four of you there." Starstar said. Cottonwing nodded, closing nodded, closing her eyes and then repoing them back into the real world. She saw her kin and Wavepelt looking ahead. Cottonwing did the same and saw Starstar standing on the highest rock.

"Greetings," Starstar said. "I have some news, but first I shall answer your first question. Yes, Pumpkit is destined to be a medicine cat."

"Alright I shall tell Moonstar." Wavepelt said.

"Thank you, and lastly. Three cats here will save the clans from two clans of evil." Starstar said, fading away. Cottonwing looked at Ghostclaw and then at Bluestrike. They all know who she is talking about.

"We shall head back, there is nothing much to discuss as we all know who she is talking about and we will soon find out what clans are evil." Wavepelt said standing us and walking away from the Crystal-pond. On their walk back home all Cottonwing could think about was what clans are evil.

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