Chapter 13 (Warning: short)

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Cottonwing was waiting outside of the medicine den to check on her mother, a few days had passed and her mother had whitecough, As worried Cottonwing was she knew she was in good hands with Wavepelt and Pumppaw. Pumppaw was currently out collecting herbs with her sister Skidpaw. And Moonstar was out hunting. Wavepelt let Cottonwing into her den, telling her to eat a herb to prevent herself from catching whitecough. She did as she was told and walked over to her mother.

"Hi Snowfrost.." Cottonwing mewed softly.

"Cottonwing.." Snowfrost purred. "How is the kits?"

"They are apprentices, Pumppaw is a medicine cat apprentice actually." Cottonwing purred.

"Good for her, I heard you found her sister?" Snowfrost mewed.

"Yah, her name is Skidpaw, she was interested in the warrior way almost instantly and memorized it quickly, she will be a warrior in no time." Cottonwing purred proudly.

"That's good.." Snowfrost coughed. Cottonwing groomed her mothers fur. Pulling of a tick she found and smushing it with her paw quickly.

"Cottonwing dear, can you do me a favor?" Snowfrost meowed..

"Yah?" Cottonwing asked.

"Tell Moonstar that I would like to retire to a Elder," Snowfrost said,

"Alright.." Cottonwing said softly. And padded out of the den. Cottonwing looked for Ghostclaw since Moonstar was out hunting. She trotted over to Ghostclaw passing Scoutpaw, Skidpaw, and Buddy who were showing off fighting moves.

"Ghostclaw!" Cottonwing called, Ghostclaw looked at her.

"Yes?" Ghostclaw asked.

"Can you tell Moonstar that Snowfrost is retiring to a Elder?" Cottonwing asked.

"Sure," Ghostclaw mewed. Pumppaw walked into camp holding a few leaves, while she walked a few leaves fell out of her mouth falling to the ground, Pumppaw carefully ran into the Medicine den and ran back out to grab the rest of the herbs that she dropped, there was a loud screech from above and before Cottonwing could do anything a hawk swooped down grabbing Pumppaw by the shoulders.

"Pumppaw!" Cottonwing screamed, Skidpaw looked at the eagle in terror, the apprentices ran into there den Buddy protecting them from the eagle, the whole clan looked up at the eagle who was out of slowly rising into the air, Pumppaw was screaming in pain and fear and the eagle carried her away, Oakfall jumped at the eagle only just missing it before falling to the ground, Wavepelt ran out of the den with Snowfrost behind her, the clan watching in terror, suddenly a black blurr of fur jumped at the eagle from the top of the hollow, it was Moonstar, Moonstar let out an ear splitting yoweld at the eagle clawing at the face, the eagle dropped Pumppaw as Moonstar battled the Eagle in air, and Cottonwing ran over to catch her as Pumppaw plummeted to the ground, Cottonwing successfully caught her on her back. looking back at Moonstar who was wrestling the Eagle in mid air, Moonstar clawed at the eagles back and neck the eagle screamed, and used his sharp talons to grab and throw Moonstar off of him by the neck, Moonstar plummeted to the ground with the eagle, both Moonstar and the eagle lay limp in the middle of camp, Pumppaw was cowering near Cottonwing, the clan walked over to Moonstar waiting for her to wake up, but she never did, Ghostclaw walked in front of the crowed, he new something no other cat did.

"That was Moonstar's last life, she will not re awaken," Ghostclaw mewed sadly, sad murmurs rippled around the camp, their leader was died, every cat said their goodbyes to Moonstar. The camp was died silent, dusk was approaching. Cottonwing checked on Pumppaw who was now asleep. What terrible thing was going to happen next to the clan or clans..?

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