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What do you think Seclusion is?
It reminds me to give time, to be gentle and kind to yourself. I never knew that even seclusion can give you serenity in a dark world. Being secluded has been my favorite thing since people left me with loneliness. I used to remain scared when i used to think about someone who remains alone.There's a fine line between seclusion and loneliness. But definetely loneliness leads to seclusion in my views. Trust me You can never know what seclusion is, how seclusion hits you in a right way until you face it.

Seclusion connected me with Allah swt in order to please my Rab. I don't like being around people anymore.It might sound weird to some and peace to others but this is the truth of my life.
You can purify your heart and mind & strengthen your imaan.It allows us to retreat from the noise of the worlds and delve into the depth of their souls, seeking closeness to Allah.How beautiful life can become through seculsion can never be experienced through any other thing.
But above all, it can either lead you to become a sinner or a pious believer.
If there's a part of you that's lost somewhere in the noises of the world then you can find it by being secluded (within your own self).Trust the process because your silent stories of sabr are not secret to Allah.He knows what you conceal and what you reveal.

I'm afraid of people coming in.I actually have hard time forgetting those who already have walked out.I seem to want to turn away.My heart no longer trusts what the surface offers that's why i prefer being secluded, being private.
I used to be someone who loves to know everything, and literally everything, but as i get old, i realized that there's peace in not knowing everything.
So sometimes it's good for us to be unaware of "something".

allahumu 'arham qalbi
Ya Allah have mercy on my heart.

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